Saturday, February 3, 2024

A Blog Hop is coming

 A Villa Rosa blog hop is happening in March. I am tickled to be included! I'll be secretly sewing away soon:)  I think my project will center around this charm pack. 

Tune in for lots of fun! Villa Rosa pattern cards are simple, quick, yet effective designs. I have done several over the years.  Another great feature is that their patterns are only $2, either get a hard copy in the mail or a digital copy so you can whip one up in short order.


  1. Hi Vicki! I am thrilled about the blog hop and I am one of the participants as well. I love their patterns. I'm also happy to see you back to keeping us updated on all things sewing and quilting. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. That looks like a pretty line of fabric! I'll look forward to seeing what you make with it. I opted out of that blog hop this time around, but will enjoy visiting everyone else this time!

  3. You are tempting me... but I really need to finish some of my I'm passing. Remind me next year please!

  4. Thanks for the info about the blog hop, Vicki. I just signed up to participate too! Now to decide which one I want to make and pick out fabrics!

  5. It's me Daryl @patchouli moon studio. I don't know why it commented as anonymous? Need to fix that!


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