Sunday, December 15, 2024

Green pineapples

 Green pineapple quilt blocks that is. They need a couple more rounds to finish them off. I am using the Creative Grids pineapple trim tool. When I went to trim the third round I thought for sure I wasn't using the right size trim tool, I have the small and large. I only brought the large with me and it didn't look the same as ones I finished this summer. Back to You Tube, after watching a bit more I discovered I had the right size but wasn't lining it up correctly, whew!!  Not the first time this tool had me puzzled but after watching the video it's easy and fun! I plan to piece lots of blocks over the next few months!

Accuquilt quilt daily sale 12/15/24 only...

This Accuquilt sale runs through 12/24/24

Linking with Oh Scrap!


  1. Your pineapple looks so pretty, what a neat block!

  2. Thank goodness for YouTube! We use it to figure out many things. Those are pretty blocks - will the whole quilt have a green theme?

  3. I like the pineapple block but usually do that one paper piece

  4. It is funny how some of those tools just confuse us! They look great.

  5. Nice looking pineapple blocks. I have that tool but never used it. I'm sure I'll need to watch a lot of YouTube before I do.

  6. Love your green pineapple blocks, so pretty! Glad you figured out the tool. How did we do it before YouTube?!

  7. I like the color combination - so pretty!


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