Sunday, April 12, 2020

Strawberry Table runner

What to make, what to make is a question I asked myself the other day.  I had to sew, but what?  I love looking back through photos to get ideas.  Last year I made a few strawberry table runners for my Etsy shop and they sold.  So it seemed the right time to get another made.  

I have a rather large bin of red scraps/strings.  After pressing several pieces I quickly cut them using my AccuQuilt 2.5" die. 

I love using scraps for the strawberries so I get a really good variety of colors in there.  The rest of the table runner is made using yardage. 

When making checkerboard borders I like to speed up the process by piecing strips which I have cut at 1.5" with the Accuquilt strip die.  Then I lay them across the die and cut them into 1.5" pieces.  In one pass I had enough pieces to make these borders.  When laying them on the die I stagger the strip sets so the seams don't all lay in the same spot. 

As soon as it was pieced and the backing cut,  off to the longarm I went to quilt it up.  

After stitching in the ditch on both sides of the red skinny border, I was able to do all of the cross hatching in one start and stop.  Love when that happens!  The strawberries received loops, the stem has U turns along with a leaf shape for the leaves. The pattern for the strawberry block itself is from Skyberries.

It's great to use up some red scraps!  What have you been doing with your scraps?  Need some inspiration?  Check out Oh Scrap today and find some.

Easter plans have changed for many people this year.  But I hope you can find something special to do for yourself today, be kind to yourself.  Happy Easter.


  1. I knew this was you! Who wouldn't love a couple massive strawberries on their table?! I envy your AccuQuilt cutter, especially for those 2.5" strips!

  2. Happy Easter! The strawberry runner looks yummy! I'll be signing in to my Sunday school class shortly (online group), then watch the Easter service on YouTube. Thank goodness for technology.

  3. It's perfect! So bright and cheery!

  4. This just screams spring! I can taste that juicy berry now. Happy Easter!

  5. Pretty and cheerful, and with a clever use of the Accuquilt cutter! Very nice.

  6. Vicki, your strawberry tablerunner is so fun! I've always loved the strawberry block, but adding that green and white checkerboard border is so perfect. No wonder these sell well!

  7. I can't wait for real strawberries. But your scrappy ones are a great substitute for now. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  8. Super cute! I love the green & white checkered border, perfect touch!

  9. Love the strawberry runner. You are getting a lot of good use out of your Accuquilt. I love mine but don't use it as often as I could.

  10. I have been enjoying the strawberries coming in and now enjoying your table runner! I often forget about the second cut on the Accuquilt die; thanks for the reminder.

  11. Hi Vicki! Happy day after Easter! This is a fun design and I don't recall seeing it before. It looks nice and early-summer-ish to me. We don't get to pick Strawberries until mid-June or so - YUM. I'll bet this sells quickly. We all want to advance on to the start of summer, I suspect, just to get this virus behind us. I love how this turned out! ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. This looks so pretty and ready for spring or summer.


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