Monday, October 21, 2024

Chipping away at the quilting pile

 The 'to be quilted' pile has grown as I sneak in a little piecing here and there this past month. So it was time to reduce that pile by getting these three quilted and bound in between working on the donation quilts. 

The pattern I used to make these is a free one from Krista Moser using the 60 degree diamond ruler.  I did do mine a tad different as I used three 2.5" strips instead of  six 1.5" strips for the star. 

I had so much fun picking the fabrics that I made three of these, all Christmas ones.

The last one is all about those snowflakes.

Stay tuned for more finishes this week, I have a plan!!

Fall in our neighborhood.

AccuQuilt sale (affiliate link)

Friday, October 18, 2024

My finishes for the week

I am so happy to have finished this quilt I was working on at retreat last month. This is the last time you will see it!!  This pretty purple was from a free pattern from Material Girlfriends. They publish one pattern a month for free, but you have to download it during that month. This one is called 3 yard Bravo.  

I couldn't finish the piecing while at retreat because I didn't cut enough for the last star block. So earlier this week I finished the star and added the three borders. The quilting happened the very next day.  Looking  digging through my stash I found the perfect backing, a lavender minky type of fabric that was given to me by a friend. I had not worked with this type of fabric before, it shed and I didn't like that. However, the final result is pretty luxurious!! 

Next up was a potato chip quilt that my grandson helped me make the blocks. We cut 2.5"x4.5" bricks in neutrals and darks using the die from the 8" AccuQuilt cube. This gave us a 12" finished block.

The backing is a pretty fall leaves flannel that the same friend gave me. I just needed to add a navy flannel to make it big enough. All of these quilts are meandered in order to get them done. I finished this one off with a navy solid binding.

The final one I will share today is this child size one using Cynthia's Two bits pattern. I pieced this one quite some time ago and was waiting it's turn in line to be quilted. 

I found a very soft tiny corduroy that was also given to me. It was almost the right size. And as luck would have it I had all these strips sewn together into the right size to add to it. The corduroy was a very light pink but it really looks washed out here. 

These three quilts will be donation quilts that I will send home with my DIL when they come for Thanksgiving. She hands them off to her church group who distributes to those who need a quilty hug. And I feel great being able to help. I have a few more to finish and share with you soon. 

Accuquilt deals (affiliate links)
10/18/25-10/23/24---Better Than Black Friday -- 40% Off Your Order $40+ (Use Code: FRIDAY40)

Monday, October 14, 2024

Sailing away

You might remember I mentioned when I was at retreat I couldn't go any further with my sailboat quilt because I had not cut the correct number of pieces. This is where I left off. I have a wayward sailboat, do you spot it! I am leaving it, not having a date with Jack. 

I quickly finished the last sailboat and got started on the sashings Thursday. 

Friday I finished up the sashings and am ready for the border and quilting this week.

This post contains affiliate links, if you use them there is no extra cost to you, however I will receive a small commission.

The sailboats are made using the 12" cube from AccuQuilt and the blocks finish at 12".  Dies #5 and #8 were used. This makes for a quick block. The sashings were all cut with the 1.5" strip die, I even cut the navy 1.5" squares with the strip die by laying the strips across the die.  Love the strip dies. 

AccuQuilt sales...

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


It's been a quilting/finishing week still, working my way through the projects pieced at retreat just over a week ago. This is my blue Starstruck table runner. 

It's an easy one to make. I have a tutorial for it on my tutorials page.

I couldn't find a blue that looked good in my stash so I opted for gray for the backing.

I love this pattern so much I want to make a red/white/silver one. Well maybe after I get the other 5 runners, that are on my list for the week, finished.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Weekend finishes

Two finishes over the weekend. I pieced this one at retreat and quilted it this weekend. It measures approximately 16.5"x45" and it sold already so I will put another one on my to do list! I have parts leftover from previous ones so it won't take to long.

Sometimes I take the time to do a cute pieced back! 

I pieced this one on Friday and quilted and bound it on Saturday.

If you have followed me for a while you know I seem to make lots of these round wedge toppers. It's fun to dig in the holiday fabric and see what combo's I can come up with. 

I enjoyed making it so much I cut out a couple more on Sunday afternoon. They are pretty quick so I should have them done in a couple days, I don't have anything on my calendar this week so it will be pedal to the metal!

I hope you all had a great weekend whether you were sewing or out and about. Tell me what you did!!

Accuquilt sales

Friday, October 4, 2024

Starry Path finish plus more

After coming home from retreat it has been a finishing week.  First up was this Starry Path finish, it had been pieced before retreat. So the finish was quilting and binding it.

The stars were cut using the Starry Path Accuquilt die. I would never attempt it any other way.

The quilting had been previously done so it was a matter of appliqueing the snowmen and binding these two Around and Around table toppers. 

Plus finishing the two Gnome runners that needed their noses appliqued and thread buried. 

What you hadn't seen before was the string pieced backing for these. Both runners are identical. 

I hope you have had a finishing week also!  Linking up with TGIFFFinished or Not FridayOff The Wall Friday, Beauties Pageant

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Retreat Day 4

Day four of retreat was Thursday and the last day of pedal to the metal sewing day. I started out the day with these cute sailboat blocks. The 12" cube from Accuquilt really helped speed up the cutting process. Using the 3" finished HST's, squares and the 3"x6" brick to make these colorful boats was so fun and fast. Piecing sailed right along also, well until I discovered I had forgotten to cut four of the squares and couldn't finish the ninth block :(  

Good thing I brought along the blue bricks and neutral squares to fill the last half of the day. These were all precut at home using the 3"x6" brick and the 3" finished square from the 12" cube.

Step one was to sew these into pairs.  

And before long I had this much sewn together! Yes it is in desperate need of a good pressing. If you would like to bust through your scraps fast I recommend the 12" cube. There are so many quilt blocks you can make fast with the large pieces. This will be a donation quilt once I add more rows and quilt it up. 

Friday was the day to clean up, pack up and depart for home. The week just went by way to fast! Do you go on retreats, if you do for how long?  I limit myself to this one retreat for the year, if gives me something to really look forward to in the fall. 

Linking to these linky parties, be sure to check them all out as there is always so much inspiration...

This post contains affiliate links.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Day Three at Retreat

This one is a great scrap buster, I love doing it in the fall colors which also sorta makes it antique looking. But it could be done in any color really. It's a pattern in a booklet from Calico Printworks, called Cornerstones. 

Next up was this Starstruck, it is a tutorial from me which you can find under the tutorial heading at the top of this page. Quilting will happen at home for all three of these projects. 

Then I moved on to piecing a new to me pattern. Three yard free pattern called Bravo from Material Girlfriends. However I obviously forgot how to count when I was cutting as I was short four white squares for the star corners and didn't bring the polka dot fabric with! Hate when I do that. So after I get home I will cut and sew the last star to make another row and then add the three borders.

I still had lots of time to chat with my fellow quilting friends in between the sewing. Wednesday was my team of 4 preparing the two meals, french toast with saugages for brunch was a lighter meal than Tuesday. And then for the evening meal we did a baked spaghetti dish with salad and breadsticks. Sorry I forgot to take pictures of any of it!  That evening the three at my sewing table spent a lot of time laughing so hard we couldn't even tell the others what we were laughing at! Do you ever do that?  And then if you try to retell it to people it isn't so funny and they don't get it!!

At any rate since I sewed the first runner with scraps I am linking with Oh Scrap! 

Friday, September 27, 2024

Retreat day 2

We take turns making meals here, Tuesday's team made blueberry french toast and sausage for breakfast! YUMMY.

I was so full I had a hard time getting some sewing done.  But I managed to get these two GE Designs table runners pieced. 

In the afternoon evening time I appliqued and bound my Gnome runners. I forgot the pink thread for their noses so that will happen at home. 

For supper that night they made us Chicken Cordon Bleu, here are the leftovers!

And a cherry pie filling jello.  The apple crisp didn't even get touched as we were all so stuffed!

Linking with our Friday parties, Finished or Not FridayTGIFFBeauties Pageant

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Retreat day 1

A beautiful morning for a drive to quilt retreat. There was no nearby interstate or four lane for me to take. I had to go over the Mississippi river and was it ever foggy, I couldn't see the river even! Fifteen minutes past the river the sun cleared the way. I saw a pair of Eagles having their breakfast of squished racoon. My path took me past lots of farms including a few Amish ones. After two hours I arrived at retreat. This is the same place I went last year, it is perfect for the 12 of us. Six bedrooms with twin beds, four bathrooms and two large rooms that are connected for sewing in plus two kitchens. We take turns making meals, a team of four each day with two meals a day. Don't worry we didn't go hungry, there is always the snack table!

Lots of projects were brought along in various stages.  I finished the applique on these two buffalo plaid snowman runners plus binding them and sewing on their button eyes. The quilting and the stenciled snowman were all done at home prior to retreat.  

After that I moved on to the applique and binding of two of my Tilting Trees runners. I still need to bury my threads in these four as I forgot my self threading needle. It won't take me long to do that when I get home. Once again the quilting was done on my longarm prior to retreat.

Don't worry there was plenty of time for socializing and munching. The first day we were on our own for meals. But watch out for the second day! 

Accuquilt sales...Fall Flash Sale - Free ground shipping on all orders  ends today 9/26/24  No code needed.

Linking with NTT

Friday, September 20, 2024

Getting ready and a finish

Off and on all week I have been cutting and kitting up projects to take to retreat. I leave on Monday for five days. This retreat is the same one I went to last year in Wisconsin. Here is my stack of what I have ready so far. Several table runners in various stages and one donation quilt. I hope to cut another donation quilt and also throw in a jelly roll and background fabric in case I get through all the other items.

In between prepping for retreat I whipped up two of these table toppers using the maple leaf Accuquilt die. 

Proof that I really did make two, these are the two backings. They finished at 23" square.

Within 15 minutes of listing the first one it sold!  So I quilted up the second one and got it listed this morning.

Hope you all have a great weekend. I think mine will be busy! 

Accuquilt sale---(affiliate link)

Monday, September 16, 2024

Estate sale

Many of you encouraged me to go to the fabric estate sale last's all your fault that these followed me home!!  This batch is for my business sewing.

And these are for some donation quilting I will be getting at soon I hope!

I arrived just a few minutes before the sale was to start, several ladies beat me!  The doors opened promptly at 3 pm.  This took place in the quilters home, I learned her name was Elaine and that she was a prolific quilter and entered her quilts in shows. Although I didn't know her I am sure she will be missed.  Oh the amount of fabric was astounding! Several shoppers were commenting they were overwhelmed with the amount, me...I was in my element, LOL.  The fabric was displayed in rooms according to the type. One room was floor to ceiling shelves lining it and tables full in the middle, this was flat folds.  One room was all kits and FQ's, one room of partially done quilts. One room was kits. As you can see by my photos I went for the flat folds. They were selling the fabric for $6 per pound. What you see is 10 pounds. It makes me sad they she didn't get to use all the wonderful fabrics. But as one lady said it feels like we are honoring Elaine by taking some of her stash and adding to ours in hopes of using it. 

Want to see my newest finish? Recently I sold a stitchery wall hanging so it prompted me to finish up another.  

The hand embroidered block was stitched late last fall and I never got around to finishing it.

Even though I made it as a wall hanging with a sleeve on the back I like it just sitting on a small table.

Linking with these Monday linky parties, want to join me over there?