Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Starry UFO

It all began so innocently with 5 inch darks, 5 inch neutrals and 2.75" neutrals all from the scrap bins. 

Which quickly became these. And I bet you can guess what came next. Did you guess they went into another bin and there they sat for a few years? If so you would be correct. 

Out they came after finishing the last UFO to flimsy stage. The next thing I knew I had the beginnings of another flimsy taking place. 

The light neutral sashing helps set the stars apart from the outer border.  The next photo is a precut bin of strings approximately 5 inches or a bit more. They are all different widths. Can you see where I am going with this?

Another pieced piano key border. The strips were sewn together in long rows and then trimmed to 4.5".  I added neutral squares in the corners. I love how this came out. This will head into the 'to be quilted' donation pile. My flimsy pile is definitely growing even if the scrap bins are not showing any change.

Linking with our inspiring Linky parties-I appreciate you ladies for hosting these each week!


  1. Wow - great results! Scrappy is my favorite color combo I think.

    1. Thanks Sara! It always amazes me one can through together all these different prints and it still looks good!

  2. You had me even without the border! That's a sweet, scrappy quilt, Vicki. I love star blocks! Did you have those 5 inch squares all precut? That would be so handy for making a quilt like that! (I don't do nearly enough scrap processing into useful sizes like many people do, and I really should!)

    1. Yes those 5” squares were all cut a long time ago and one block was done. I had made a similar quilt several years ago and these were leftovers knowing I would someday do another.

  3. That is a beautiful quilt, Vicki. The piano key border is perfect for it.

  4. Great job! I love this idea and hope to make one using my overflowing scrap bins.

    1. Thanks Nancy. I hope we get to see yours when you are done! Oh yes those never ending scrap bins:0

  5. lovely quilt but don't you know that scraps grow in the dark. from Shirley in Australia

  6. Oh wow, this is gorgeous! I love the way you offset the blocks, and that piano key border is so pretty. Nicely done!

    1. There was a reason for the offset-I didn't have to match seams that way!!!

  7. This is a great finish! You made the perfect border for this beautiful quilt.

    1. I am pretty happy with the result and the use of more scraps!

  8. I love the way that the blocks are offset. Great finish!

    1. Off setting just made sense so I didn't have to match seams:)

  9. A gorgeous finish! Funny how those things can get put on a back burner...but no more. It is a beauty.

    1. Oh and I am so good at putting things back, mostly because I get busy with things for the shop-or so I tell myself!

  10. You are really working on your UFOs. Good for you. I like how you take the time to make piano key borders. Supposedly I am doing a UFO challenge with my friend this year but so far I haven't done much on the various projects. In fact one I started working on earlier this year I have been unable to locate them. OH GOOD GRIEF! I have specific bins I put my UFOs in and the blocks aren't there. Maybe I should put finding the blocks on my goals list this week. Sigh.

  11. I am feeling good about the progress on the UFO's. I just bought batting so I should shift my energy to the long arm and get some of these out of the house!

  12. Oh hey, I have a bag of 5" squares that I should give to you, since you'd get something done with them before me! Maybe they will show up on your doorstep some day (hee hee).

    1. Well you know me I'd take them and fit them in with mine for a someday project.


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