Sunday, June 23, 2024

A string tip

I am guessing we all are having the same problem-strings all over the place!  On the ironing board and on the design wall especially. One can't avoid the strings getting left behind when we press our fabrics, blocks, or flimsies as we put them together. 

I should have taken a before and after of my design wall, but I didn't think about it until after I cleaned it and put the next set of blocks up on it. My ironing board will have to do:)  This pink silicone dish scrubber works great for swiping across those strings.  It's easy to grab the strings from the silicone and toss the little bundle into the trash and the sponge is washable. 

I found it on Amazon (I am not an affiliate). This is my tip to link with Kathleen's Tips and Tutorials on the 22nd. Also linking with Monday Musings, Design Wall Monday and Sew and Tell Monday.


  1. I love this and will now order a few. Those pesky bits are everywhere! Thanks for linking up to TTot22nd!

  2. Replies
    1. Someone in my longarm group had a similar one from the cosmetic dept.

  3. That's a really neat idea! My design wall is terrible - I'll have to go looking for a scrubber like that. Great tip, Vicki!

  4. OMG, I have one of those! Think of all the money I would save and not adding to my waste if I used it instead of lint rollers! Thanks

  5. How clever! Thank you so much , Vicki for the tip.

  6. I posted this same tip about cleaning your design wall or board in 2019 with a silicone sponge and I even had a pink silicone sponge too, lol!!!

  7. That is so cool, better than using the lint roller which I have to change every two minutes!

  8. Clever! I use a lint roller.

  9. It looks like a good deal. But, honestly 12? So my thought is they would make a great little gifty for the folks I'm retreating with in July. Or maybe just give them to my quilty friends around here. Decisions, decisions. How long have you been using it?

    1. I have used it every day multiple times a day for a week or so.

  10. now that's a cool hack! thanks

  11. Brilliant, Vicki. Thank you for sharing.

  12. What a great tip, Vicki! I have one of these I clean my makeup brush with. Hmmm, now it may be repurposed! LOL Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

  13. Replies
    1. And one I use multiple times a day in the sewing room!

  14. That is such a great idea! Thank you!!


  15. Clever you! I had some of those for my dishes, gave them to my daughter. LOL. I have a different doohickey for cleaning my design wall - not that I've used it (it needs it).

    1. Just following someone else's lead! What is your doohickey for the design wall?

  16. I am going off to order some of these! I do love this tip and so appreciate you liking up!

    1. I never seem to come up with a tip for your linky party so I was happy to post this one!


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