Thursday, March 31, 2022

Jasmine progress

Do you want an update on the progress of my Jasmine quilt from Villa Rosa Designs?  Of course you do,right!

There are two different blocks. One has twelve squares and one has fifteen. All the blocks are done, except for cutting the solid squares to go in-between these. This was a jelly roll from Island Batik.  I will set them aside for a while. But I do plan on getting the top together by the end of April.  So there is my one monthly goal.

I'll be linking with OMG at Elm Street Quilts.


  1. those are very pretty colors are those from the island batiks.

  2. Pretty colors and blocks. Can't wait to see it done.

  3. Love your fabrics! Looking forward to seeing where these blocks go. :)

  4. Those are pretty colors! I looked up the quilt design, too, and really like it - perfect for a jelly roll. You'll be sewing up the quilt top in no time!

  5. The color palette is just yummy - kind of a mix of blueberries and orchids.

  6. Hi Vicki! I hope you are doing well - Happy April! I just love the colors in this potential quilt. I'm looking forward to seeing your quilt top or even the finished quilt by month's end. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. I love the colors in this. It will be so much fun to see it come together.


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