Monday, December 26, 2022

Jelly roll UFO

Happy Monday!!  With some free time on my hands I decided to use my time wisely and go through some UFO's and pick out one to work on.  I believe I started this back in January or February of 2020, I can't find a photo to verify that with. But I know I started it while in Arizona and then quickly lost interest, it was all cut and I started piecing it and quit. The fabric is not very pretty and now I wonder why I bought it in the first place. I do remember it being on sale when we still had a Hancock Fabric in town, I think it was when they were closing. Yikes that's seems like eons ago!!  The pattern is Ridiculously Easy Jelly Roll quilt by From Bolt to Beauty.   You can quickly go from this...

to this.

I worked at it for 3 half days and worked at sections at a time. 

And here is the end result for a Ridiculously Easy Jelly Roll flimsy.  I will quilt it another day. But for now I will enjoy getting a UFO to this stage. 

I have used this pattern before and like the process of it.  This one was gifted in 2019 to my brother and sister-in-law that we stayed with in Arizona. Doesn't it look pretty on their couch. Made using Island Batik fabrics. 

This was the wide back I used for it. 

More knitting on the socks has happened in the evenings. I can hardly wait to be done so I can wear them! 

I'll see you in a few days, it's time to dig out another UFO I think! 


  1. For "ugly" fabric this really made a lovely quilt. Great job getting it to a complete top.

  2. I wrote you a comment earlier, but must not have hit publish quite right, so I'm back! Good for you, finishing that older UFO! I can see why the piecing might have gotten boring, but it will be a wonderful finished quilt. Love the earlier version you made, too. Here's to many more UFO finishes in the coming year!

  3. Not ugly fabric at all, it turned out beautiful! Congrats on finishing the UFO top! I've been thinking about my UFO's the last days, time to count and photograph! Yikes! Good luck on your UFO's! Beautiful sock, love the colors.

  4. Nice REJR top, Vicki!!! Put together it looks great! And perfect sock knitting/wool sock wearing weather!

  5. Any progress on a UFO is great! That does look like a fun pattern and I do love the earlier one you made.

  6. Good morning! Great job on getting that old UFO to the finished step. You have earned a dust-off-your-hands and start another fun project! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Yay for moving forward with a UFO! I cannot imagine knitting socks, but you make it look so easy (those are really cute, btw)!


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