Friday, May 3, 2024

Working with yellows and grays

It all began so innocently in December.  These yellows and grays were stored together in a scrapbook case from when I used them for two other quilts in past years.  I had been wanting to make another quilt with them for a long time and then I saw the White Cloud Villa Rosa pattern and an idea was born.  

Easy cutting began and then the sewing ensued, I quickly had it this far before leaving for AZ. And there it stayed until last week. Note to self... write down the pattern name, don't just think you will remember months down the road, LOL.  Yep you guessed it I couldn't remember the name and therefore searching on my computer didn't find the pattern. How many more rows were to be added? The sweet ladies on the Villa Rosa FB group I am on helped me identify it quickly. More sewing happened after finding the digital pattern on my computer.

I added more columns and rows than the pattern called for as I wanted a little bigger size. In the effort to use up more gray and yellow I decided to piece the back with some.  I thought I was close to using these up but the joke was on me, there is a bunch more in another case! Oh well I still used up a bunch. 

The quilting is a pantograph called Floating Clouds which was very fitting since the quilt pattern is White Clouds. I used a gray Glide thread with Hobbs 80/20 batting which is my go to batting.

And now my design wall is empty and ready for the next project. There is always something brewing over here!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend whether it is sewing or something else. 

Linking with these inspiring parties: TGIFF, Off The Wall Friday, Finished or Not Friday, Patchwork and Quilts, and Oh Scrap!

If you are looking for some new Accuquilt dies or even getting your first die cutting machine here are some sales happening now.  I am affiliate which means if you purchase from my links I get a small commission. 


  1. yellow and gray go so well together - it quilted up nicely!

  2. haha - an innocent start? Thats funny - but the quilt!! Turned out great - glad you were able to locate the correct pattern

  3. I love it - such a pretty quilt! The only yellow/grey quilt I made was about 12 years ago when my niece requested those colors for a baby quilt. The Villa Rosa patterns are good ones.

  4. There's just something about yellow and gray together! A pretty quilt for spring. I'm glad I'm not the only one who forgets stuff like that. I unearthed some yardage in a bin the other day, and I still can't remember what I was going to use it for!

  5. I love gray and yellow together! Looks like that was the perfect pattern for those pretty fabrics, too. I should look at Villa Rosa patterns more - when I see what others have made, I always want to make one, too!

  6. Pretty color combo, Vicki!!! I made that pattern in black & white last fall. It's a great pattern for using up, and for changing the size around!!!

  7. That’s a great pattern for a quick quilt. Love the yellows and grays! Ramona

  8. Pretty in yellow and gray. Hm.... I have some yellow yardage, but not gray... No! That has to wait! lol Glad you got help to locate the quilt pattern, so easy to forget.

  9. I love grays and yellows together, this one is just stunning. Good thing you were in that group so you could identify the pattern, and I really like that pattern. The panto is beautiful. Lol on finding another case of fabrics. I'm telling you, scraps multiply if you use them! :D

  10. I am having trouble with coupon code listed in the last link. Can you help?

    1. What seems to be the problem? You can in as a no reply blogger so I can't email you.

  11. Very chic. Simple and striking - it is a win win!


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