Monday, August 26, 2024

What I have been up to

We are not usually spontaneous people, we like to plan. However we surprised ourselves and with only 4 days notice packed the camper, ATV and kayaks and took off to Wisconsin to hit some ATV trails. We found nice weather in the 70's and low humidity(important to me!). Three days of riding the trails. We crossed over many bridges, but man this one was a honey, long, wide and well built it spanned over the Chippewa River. 

We rode through lots of forest, if we kept going the bugs didn't bother us, but if we stopped watch out as they were ready for lunch, LOL.  We had to find a clearing so we could eat our own lunch without as many bugs.  And after lunch we came upon wild blackberries, what a delicious treat.

We did manage to get the kayaks in the river on the last day. Then another spontaneous moment...hubby found another trail about an hour away from our camp. Because we rode all the trails in our first area we decided to pull the camper with the toys to a different campground and ride that trail too. 
Then the next day, on the way home I visited two Mennonite fabric shops.  Brubakers and Pine Hollow, if you were looking for quilt shop fabric they had good prices on it.  I found these panels and well I had to support the shop right!!

This pumpkin one is really crooked! But I will work with it to straighten it out, cut it apart and make into three wall hangings instead of one. 

The cardinals were so vibrant I couldn't pass it up. 

And well the Blue Jays was such a pretty blue, I was surprised it was flannel, a very soft one. If I get time this year I will make them into wall hangings, if not they will still be here for next year;)

Now that I am home I am back at the long arm a few days this week. I put this one on the frame yesterday and hope to finish it today.  I might add it is good weather to stay inside and quilt as the temps are up there and it's very humid again, uggh.

Linking with Sew and Tell Monday, Monday Musings and Design Wall Monday.


  1. Glad you had such fun on your trip! That pumpkin panel is adorable with the plaid, and I love the cardinal one. I love any panel with a barn in snow, so of course I love the blue one, and wow on it being flannel!

  2. How fun! Spontaneous adventures are some of our most favorite 😍
    And those panels are all so pretty. No wonder you had to support the shops. Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party.

  3. You sound so adventurous. I'm not sure I could traverse that bridge on an ATV... I'm really interested in what you do with your horizontal panels. I'm fighting one now. Hopefully I'll win. Love your maple leaf.

  4. Look at you kids, living on the wild side! LOL. Sounds like a great trip. You found some very nice panels. I'm sure they will all turn into something wonderful.

  5. sounds like you had a great time - and in the 70's nice!!

  6. Hi Vicki! It sounds like you two had a good time being spontaneous. Beautiful panels you found and I know you'll enhance them even more by finishing them. The weather this week is awful! Dew points near 80 degrees is just nuts. Of course, our teachers have to report back in this weather with no a/c. That's savage! {{Hugs}} a bunch. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Spontaneity is fun! We can't do it often because of our daughters work schedule, but it's fun to just go on the spur of the moment. Sure sounds like you had a great time!

  8. That sounds like a fun weekend, and some beautiful sights, too! We found wild blackberries in Oregon last fall - they were yummy. Of course you have to visit the quilt shops, and those panels look like good finds. I didn't know they made panels in flannel! Looking forward to seeing what you do with those!

  9. Fun spontaneous outing! And yes, I know Brubakers and Pine Hollow, too. They under price regular quilt shop prices. Fun panels you picked up! We're having quite the thunderstorm tonight. I hope the humidity breaks!

  10. It sounds like your spontaneous trip was a lot of fun!

  11. What a lovely spontaneous trip, Vicki!! Sounds awesome. Of course, we do have to support the local quilt shops wherever we travel, right??!!! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings. Have a great week.

  12. Here I am, catching up again. I know you had fun in WI, and those panels were just meant to come home with you. Really enjoying the cooler weather this weekend - finally!


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