Sunday, August 18, 2024

Scrappy Jack

 Meet Scrappy Jack!

He is inspired by a Buttermilk Basin pattern called Inch by Inch Jacks. I resized my orange scrap squares and now have a piece that finished at 17"x 25". 

When I made this Jack last year I think I used the size pieces stated in the pattern. This year I wanted him just a bit bigger.

Use him as a table topper or a wall hanging, I love versatile pieces. He can be found in my Etsy shop.

Linking with Oh Scrap!, Monday Design Wall, Sew and Tell Monday, and Monday Musings.


  1. Such a cute quilt, with a very happy scrappy Jack!

  2. Scrappy Jack is a wonderful finish! I love the expression on his face!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  3. He is a cutie, Vicki. I love the candy cane border!

    1. Hehe, I think you meant candy corn border! Darn Cyber Sue always correcting us, LOL

    2. Oh my gosh! Yes, I meant candy corn!!!! I'm REALLY rushing things aren't I?

  4. Oh, isn't he a cutie?! I love patchwork pumpkins made that way. The candy corn border print is a fun one, too!

  5. That is so fun! The border is perfect to frame Jack's face.

  6. Cute Jack! You know it looks like a tall jar too, so you could make a jar using that candy corn fabric too.

  7. What a cutie Jack is. I bet it sells really fast too. Must get my Halloween UFO out and finish it this year!

  8. Oh my gosh! Scrappy Jack is just too stinkin' cute!!!!

  9. Scrappy Jack is so cute - I love the candy corn border! You have the best fabrics on hand. Really nice finish - bet it won't last long in your shop!

    1. I think that is because I have a pretty big stash so usually I can find something to go with easily!

  10. Loving Scrappy Jack - what a fun quilt, Vicki!! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings! Have a great week!


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