Monday, January 27, 2025

Using up some yellows

 It was a busy few days using up some yellows that I had cut and kitted up last November. Four morning star table runners almost identical except for the outer borders.

I would never attempt to cut and sew these triangles without the help of the Morning Star BOB die from Accuquilt. 

Now here I can finally see a dent in fabric usage! This bin was full of yellow and white triangles and the borders and now look how much is gone. 

I bet you expect to see another pair of knit slippers...ok here ya go! It kinda looks like they are different size but they are the same, it's just the angle I took the pic.


  1. Pretty runners! I like the bright yellows in the first one a tiny bit better. I a, looking forward to seeing how you quilt them. ~Daryl at gmail dot com

  2. Those yellows are just stunning! Nice to work with this time of year, right?

  3. Your yellow runners sure bring some sunshine to this cold morning!

  4. Those runners are so pretty - just perfectly say sunshine!

  5. The fabrics you used for the morning star runners are perfect!

  6. Well, those are some cheerful morning stars! Those will be snapped up in a moment once you've listed them. Who doesn't need some sunshine right about now?! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. The sunshine yellows are wonderful!

  8. Those Morning Star runners are so pretty, Vicki! Lots of sunshine there. You must be able to whip up a pair of slippers pretty quickly, too!

  9. Ohhh, fabulous sunny table runners, Vicki!!! I can feel the warmth! And another pair of slippers--great!!! Productive!!!

  10. Those runners are so beautiful, perfect for spring and summer.

  11. Those slippers are so darling, Vicki. Is there a free pattern somewhere?

  12. Oh, those table runners are so nice! They will be very popular for fall.

  13. Nice job of having the Morning Star pieces all cut and ready to be put together. I like using my BOBs to make kits for when I go on retreats.

  14. I love this cheerful and a great use of your scraps!

  15. This time of year always welcomes some sunny yellow. Thanks for sharing in my Sew & Tell party.

  16. Sunshine and slippers! How fun! Love those cheery runners!

  17. I love those yellows, Vicki - so bright and cheerful, especially for cold weather! Thanks for sharing.


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