Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Le Anne over at Podunk Pretties is having a Back Porch Blooms quilt along.  She made up this darling block and offering a free tutorial/pattern for it. I had to join in as it is just too darn cute! You can learn more about it here.

I was originally planning on using my 30's fabrics for it, but I just didn't have the right solid blue to go with my prints. So off to Hobby Lobby to check out their solids and nope they didn't have what I wanted either. Of course when you are in the midst of fabric you can't help but look around a bit, right?  I found this brown print and orange polka dot and I couldn't resist. I knew I had coordinates that would work at home.  I am loving it!!  My leaves got a little skinnier than they were supposed to be. That is what happens when you do not read carefully and think you know what you are doing! I used the wrong size background sqs. but didn't realize it until it was too late. Oh well he just has skinnier leaves-it still works;-)   Le Anne warns these are a bit addictive and I believe her, I wantta make more!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Fishy fishy

OMG how cute is this quilt?  I absolutely loved quilting it for my customer, Marge. She does such a good job with her piecing and it is a joy to quilt for her. And just look at the border fabric!

So much fun seeing all the different items in the fishbowls!

We chose my freehand allover Dwirling design by the Pajama Quilter to make it look like swirling water

And look a little mermaid in the bottom right fishbowl.

 And the back

It's a small lap size with Glide thread top and bottom with Hobbs 80/20 batting.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

More green scraps-different block

Here is the second block I have been working on for RSC16.

And with their brothers and sisters.  You will notice I have cornerstones on the blue blocks and not the rest. After making the second color set I thought I might not want them. So I stopped adding them, for now at least. I will not be adding brown to these or the ones I posted last Saturday. I felt that brown just doesn't play well for the look I am going for.

A short post today folks, it's a glorious day outside and I am going to spend most of it outdoors!

Linking with ScrapHappy Saturday and Oh Scrap

Monday, May 16, 2016

Island Batik May challenge

May is the month fora paper piecing  project for us Island Batik Ambassadors. We could do either regular paper piecing or english paper piecing.  I decided to try my hand at EPP since I hadn't done that before.

I chose to use paper templates that I purchased at Jo Ann's. The Island Batik fabrics I chose this month are from several different collections. The background is actually 2 of their 10" stack pieces from the London Fog collection as well as the leaves and stem. The outer hexies and binding are from Lavish collection while the center hexie is Grapevine from the Green Acres Collection.

Ok close your eyes and just imagine you are petting this delicious Island Batik fabric-it's oh so sleek and wonderful feeling!  I wish you could also feel the dimension on this wall hanging. Using a layer of Hobbs wool over a layer of their 80/20 gives it such character. The flower and leaves just bump out from the background which I quilted using a design from Christina Cameli.  Did you notice I also had to add the 3 little prairie points on the top-they just add an extra little touch to it.

                                     Threads used are Superior So Fine, Aurifil and Glide.

                                                               It measures 9.5" x 18.5"
You can check out a few of the other Island Batik Ambassador projects that have posted so far.

Next month will be a Modern challenge, I already know what I am going to do for that-can't wait!!

Linking up with several of the linky parties on my left side bar.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

My green blocks for RSC16

Here are my first set of green blocks for this months RSC challenge.

 And added to previous month's blocks. These blocks just make me smile :-)

Linking up at So Scrappy and Oh Scrap.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Scrappy finishes

Last weekend I pieced another Wonky table runner, it is now quilted.  It is the one on the left.  The runner on the right is a Missouri Star tutorial, Window pane D9P.

 And a close up of the Dwirling freehand quilting I did on my Nolting Funquilter. Dwirling is on one of Pajama Quilters DVD's.

You might notice the prints are of the same fabric, I had a pack of 9 fat quarters that I was determined to use up.  So I chose several table runner patterns that I could do just that with.  I will have a couple more posted soon.  Now you could certainly do either of these runners with all scraps, and you could also use the same idea and make a whole quilt to use even more scraps. 

Joinig in a few linky parties for the end of this week...see links on the left side bar.  I have the Grandson's coming over to spend the night so I need to get busy!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Getting my wonky on!

Saturday was a sewing day with friends. We started a small quilt group and call ourselves Mod Squad as we were leaning toward the modern quilting. We meet once a month and have a little meeting/show and tell and then open sewing where we work on whatever project we want.

On Friday I cut out several table runners and took 3 along. As I was setting up my sewing machine I realized I had forgotten my bobbin at home. OK no biggee as a friend had one I could borrow. BUT then I realized I had also forgotten my bobbin cover!  I know exactly what happened, Friday night as I was packing up I decided I should oil by machine. I must have gotten interrupted and didn't put them back in the machine before packing it up.  So another gal had wide masking tape and we fashioned a cover out it. While it worked, it wasn't ideal, definitely slowed me down. However, I did manage to get one runner all pieced(no pic of that one) and most of this wonky one done. So this morning I got busy first thing and finished the piecing of it.

You might remember my first wonky runner here. And a shout out for my bloggy friend, Jayne who has a free tutorial here.  I made this one from a fat quarter pack cutting my own 2.5" sqs.  You will see more runners using different patterns with the same fabrics in the coming days.  I am determined to use up some FQ's this year. I need to clean up an over run cabinet!

I love doing the wonky style so much that last month at the Mod Squad meeting I made this 36" sq. neonatal quilt using 5" charms that another bloggy friend sent me. Sandra sent them to us ladies that particpated in the Craftsy blog hop that she and Julie hosted earlier this year . Thank you Sandra, I put them to good use :-)  Jayne also has a tutorial for this one here

And another touch of spring-our apple tree was loaded with blossoms! 

And this guy was cruising through our yard this past week. Not an uncommon thing.  There has been a group of about 11 hanging around from time to time.  But this one was all alone this time.

Joining in with a few inspiring Linky parties on the left side bar. Be sure to check them out and perhaps leave some comment love on a few new to you blogs.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Am I crazy...

On Saturday morning I went to a fabric sale, wheweee what a sale it was!  I do have to say though it was bittersweet as some family lost a love one that resulted in this sale. I did not know the lady or her family but it was sad anyway.  But the family can know that her things are going on to be used in loads of other homes now.  They had to use a Uhaul truck to bring stuff over from the house to the American Legion where they held the sale. It was only from 10am-3pm. I don't think there was any way they could have sold it all as my friend was there around 1pm and she said there was lots left. Maybe they will decide to do another sale!

So the deal was $1 a yd. for flat folds and $5 for a bolt no matter how many yds. were on it. There must have been 100 bolts, and table after table of flatfolds.  YIKES I have/had no willpower!!  How do you not want to just pick up everything in site. Think tons of backing fabrics for one thing.  I found several pieces for backgrounds. Most are not modern, although, some of the bright colors would work. I did find a modern bright good for my donation quilts and a piece of light grey tone on tone. There was Christmas, floral, tone on tone. They did a good job of sorting them by color or theme. I wish I would have ran to the batik table(if I had known which one it was) as they were only $2 a yd.  You had to take the whole piece, no cutting was happening at all. Some pieces I got were 5 yds some a little more.  You also had to measure your own piece and use the honor system and tell the cashier how many yds you had.  Oh and then they had finished quilts on 3 tables and antique quilts, all hand stitched, on another table.

Just look at all my goodies... I am a very happy quilter.  Wantta know how much fabric there is on my ironing board????  Take a guess now.  I am lucky I have a supportive DH as he just saw stacks of nicely folded fabric, but then when I told him how many yards I bought his eyes almost popped out, LOL.  Now the thing is I have to find a place to store it all!!  I plan to use some today, I have runners that need quilting so I'll use some for backings, that will help bring the pile down a bit, haha.

So I came home, petted, fondled, refolded and wound everything around my 6" ruler to make them all nice and tidy. So what would you have done, buy lots and lots  or not??????  Ok I'll tell ya, there is about 120 yds.  I didn't unwind and measure the bolts as we didn't have to do that at the sale since they were just flat out $5 a bolt.  I could have easily bought twice that as I am kinda nutty that way!

Just a reminder that the Island Batik Ambassadors have wrapped up their April projects but one of the ladies was kind enough to post links too all of them. So if you are wondering what other projects were made for the month you can check them out below.

Linking to a few of the parties on the left side bar.