Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Having spent some time in Arizona recently, I have been so inspired by the southwest decor.  Funny thing is I was never interested in it before visiting there.  Once I saw it I fell in love with it!  From cactus, gecko to Kokopelli and the colors are just so pretty.  So a squirrel grabbed onto me and wouldn't let go until I had this designed and of course made into a finished project.

So I kept dreaming of what a southwest table runner should look like to fit their decor.  The first thing I picked was the Kokopelli.  It had to be an applique, so I looked in EQ8 and sure enough there was one in there. I was off to a good start after I enlarged it. 

After looking around I saw a design on several houses.

It resembled this block.  Upon looking at the block more I saw it as a delectable mountain on it's side.

Once I picked my fabrics I made 4 delectable mountains using the HST method.  Plus I added the center with flip and sew corners. 

After making the center block I added background squares to each end and then I quilted the runner.  Next I bound it and appliqued the Kokopelli on.   When it came time to take photos, the only southwest prop I had was this little vase from Mexico.  By mid afternoon yesterday I had it listed in my Etsy shop and six hours later it sold to a gal in AZ.  Whoo hoo I was so excited!!  Guess what I am doing today, LOL  Making another is the answer:)  But it will be a little different color scheme as I don't have enough of those fabrics left.  


  1. I'm not that into the southwest theme, but can see how one would come to like it after spending time there. Congrats! on selling the runner so quickly.

  2. You hit the nail on the head with this one!

  3. The design interested me when I saw it, but I was surprised it was yours!! Love it and kudos for stepping outside your comfort zone. Can't wait to see the next one!

  4. That is so cute! I love the idea of making yourself a souvenir of a place you’ve visited!

  5. Now that would fit perfectly in New Mexico here too! The center block is variation of the Navajo Quilt block. Glad you sold it so quickly. How do they find you so fast? Or is this someone who follows your blog or Etsy Shop? I have been slowly listing more things in my Etsy Shop, but nothing has sold yet. Since all my craft shows have been cancelled and I doubt there will be any in November or people might not be wanting to go out to them, I am going to list more in my shop, but I don't know how people find my listings because even my keywords don't really help much. I think the more you sell the more you move up in the listings, but since I don't sell much, will my bags ever be found? I'll keep plugging away and hope for the best.

  6. You nailed it! Congratulations on the quick sell, too.

  7. What a funny table runner!
    Hug Catarina

  8. Look at you go! I love it, and it's perfect for NM decor, or anywhere else, for that matter. Bet the next one doesn't stick around long either!

  9. What a great interpretation of a southwest design. Right on the money! I have a bunch of fat quarters that I'll be listing in my Etsy store soon and one of them is a Kokopelli fabric which is TOTALLY out of character with all the other fabrics I have listed there. And on top of that, it isn't even in a typical southwest color. Ha! Ha! I guess it takes all kinds. I have been very surprised at the things that have sold. Congrats on the quick sale!

  10. So great to see how you were inspired by your surroundings, and then leapt into creativity mode! Your runner turned out super :)

  11. Perfection all the way around! There is a quilt design too that I used, that reminds me of that motif, too and I love it!

  12. I never thought much about southwest decor until I married a man from the South! Now I love it. I agree...the colors are wonderful. Thanks for sharing your table runner on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  13. Congrats on a quick sale of a great runner. It really is pretty. For some reason I just knew that was your runner in the linkup. Thank you for linking up. I look forward to seeing more.


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