Monday, June 15, 2020

Monday Memories #5

This week I will share some fun fall decorations I used to make for local craft shows.  These were all photos from 2006-2008.

Mr. Turk took a bit of time to make but he turned out so cute.  His feathers are flannel and had a wire in them to stiffen them up.  His body was a heavy flannel and he is stuffed with polyfill and a little sand to weight him down.  His hat was a painted clay flower pot! His wooden beak, felt waddle, blush for checks and painted black dots for his eyes made his face come alive.

This turkey has twine for his long legs and arms. His body is muslin while his feathers are homespun with batting in between the layers. I found Indian corn fabric to make the corn look real. I used black felt for his hat and homespun for his pants.  And look he is even wearing stockings!

Lady scarecrow has a muslin body stuffed with polyfil. Her dress and apron are homespun fabrics. Purchased curly raffia for hair and a straw hat completes her country look. 

This was a different technique for me to try, to make the witch hat stand up straight you cut and sewed it with black cotton fabric and then used a fabric stiffener. The tip of the hat is bent over and a wooden star glued onto it.  A cheesecloth strip was tied around the brim of the hat.  A purchased straw broom was added for a cute detail. 

  These prim scarecrow heads are made from muslin, then stuff with polyfil.  Raffia is glued on to the head with the addition of a straw hat.  The head then was glued onto a small grapevine wreath. 
As you can tell I loved making all sorts of country doll decor, I think having a nice variety for customers to choose from is important.  

I hope you are enjoying learning a bit more about me from pre blogging days!  I still have more to share with you so I hope you come back next Monday for another installment;) 

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  1. Your turkeys and scarecrows are too stinkin' cute!! You must have bought polyfil by the truck load. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You have made the cutest things over the years, Vicki! I love the turkey that hangs on the wall. I bet you've noticed a lot of changes in what people are looking for at the craft shows during the time you've been selling at them.

  3. Oh my, what an awesome collection of great things you have made!

  4. Any idea of how many of those you made during those years? I love the socks on the turkey! LOL

  5. What a fun group :-) These are so adorable. One of my favorite items in my sewing room is a giraffe that I bought at a craft fair. I'll share a picture with you when I get one taken. You have been prolific with great craft designs!

  6. I'm all, oooh I would buy.... And then I realize I probably don't need more of anything. Although I do bring out my holiday decorations sometimes. (I've gotten lazy about decorating because even before the pandemic we rarely had folks come over.) Thanks for sharing and I look forward to next week.

  7. Yes, I am enjoying it! that turkey with the plaid feathers really caught my eye. He's a mister for sure! :)

  8. Those are all adorable fall decor. The scarecrow heads are just the cutest!

  9. I like the hat. Someday I'd like the sorting hat from Harry Potter.


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