Saturday, June 6, 2020

One Monthly Goal

There are a few lap size quilts in the closet waiting to be quilted..imagine that, LOL  Perhaps if I put it on the One Monthly Goal list it will get done.  So this month I want to quilt and bind this quilt.


  1. Maybe I can sneak of few of mine in your stack. Is that okay with you? Haha!

  2. I like Wendy's idea! :) Adding it to the "to do" list will certainly bring it to the front of your mind. Knowing you, you will have this one done on Monday! This quilt is so cute and looks like stacks of wrapped packages to me. :)

  3. I have no doubt that you'll finish this one and several others! I like the dark background; really makes the brights shine :)

  4. Hi Vicki! I think you can handle that! You won't want to miss this goal when you've given yourself three weeks to accomplish it. I love the fabrics you chose. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. I have lots of flimsies. I need to learn to quilt without balling up the back😉😉

  6. Pretty top, it's going to be a beautiful quilt quicker than we think 😉

  7. And before you know it, it will be done!

  8. Fun quilt top. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  9. Cute quilt. I love the dark background.


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