Tuesday, June 2, 2020

To Do Tuesday #20

It's already June, it's crazy that five months of 2020 are already done!!  Time flies when you are having fun.  The thread and yarn has been flying at my house.

Let's check on my weekly goal and progress shall we.
  1. Knit at least one sweater-DONE
  2. Start piecing birthday table runner-DONE
  3. Bind 3 donation quilts- DONE
  4. I really need to make another patriotic runner, the supply is dwindling- not done
  5. Sew buttons on already knitted sweaters-DONE
I knitted one sweater for an order-thank you Cheryl:)  

And I sewed buttons, little appliques and labels on these sweaters.  This white with red hearts is a 4 yr. 

These purple ones are 1 yr. and 2 yr. 

 The one with red buttons and applique is a 1 yr.  The white with pink applique is a 2 yr.

The Birthday runner sneaky peek-I'll post it's finish post tomorrow. 

The three donations quilts that I bound were part of yesterdays H2H post.

Even though I didn't get a patriotic runner pieced I did quilt and bind two turkey runners. 

What should I put on my list of goals for this week- how about these things.

  1. Make a patriotic table runner
  2. Knit a sweater
  3. Get started with a sunflower table runner and matching placemats
  4. Anything else I want!!  Maybe that includes quilting a top I pieced last winter. 
Linking with Roseanne and Sue for To Do Tuesday.


  1. Those sweaters are so adorable!

  2. Another busy week at your house! Those sweaters.... too cute!

  3. Hi Vicki! I love, love, LOVE the sneak peek at the birthday runner. Look at all those pretty polka dot fabrics. And those sweaters with the adorable buttons. Especially the red and white one - those little heart buttons are just perfect. Great job on your list last week. Thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Such cute sweaters, Vicki! Each picture was my favorite until I'd go on to the next! Love the sneak peek at the birthday runner, too. Looks like really pretty colors!

  5. You have been having some fun! All so very cute. This post has me motivated, and a little jealous! Ha! (Maybe today will be a fun day here!)

  6. Soon you'll have a photo model to go with the lovely sweater.

  7. Wow, things are really getting done down there! Great job, Vic! Those sweaters are sooo cute!!!

  8. Wow you have been super busy! You are certainly stocked up for the craft shows for next year, if they don't happen this year. I know I am stocked up too. Now if only I could make a few sales to give me some more room, lol!

  9. Another successful week in the books! The sweaters are adorable. I look forward to seeing the birthday table runner.

  10. Your knitting looks professional. I am impressed! I don't knit; crochet is my thing or used to be before quilting.

    I was attracted to your turkeys. I designed a similar turkey years ago and have not seen one like it until now. Fun fun!


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