Friday, June 9, 2023

Sunflower panel

 There isn't much happening here in the sewing department, however, I did complete this one right before I got sick. Believe it or not this panel hasn't been in my possession a whole year yet, LOL.  It was just so sweet I couldn't resist buying it.

After squaring up the sunflower/fence/butterflies I added the black border. Then to bring it up to a size I added a yellow one, this would accommodate my 2"x4"(finished) yellow and green flying geese. 

A skinny black border sets off the sunflower border.

I had a ton of fun with some custom quilting, both freehand and ruler work. At 33"x 38" it's the perfect size for hanging on a wall.  Well it's the weekend again, do you have any fun plans?  We have rain in the forecast, but we have had it forecasted for several days and it hasn't let loose yet. We really could use a nice soaking rain as it is dry here. 
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  1. That flying geese border really was ideal. I have a couple of panels that need to be used too. My big plans are to get on an airplane tomorrow and then a cruise ship on Sunday. Yay!!

  2. that is a pretty sunflowers panel and your quilting brought it life

  3. your quilting adds charm to the panel quilt! great job!

  4. Ooh! I really like this one. Thanks for relating all the steps. Sometimes panels can be tricky! Good job using the yellow to "bring it to size"!!

  5. Sunflowers have got to be the most cheerful flower out there! We could sure use that rain!!!

  6. Northing prettier or happier than sunflowers! I had to go look at the forecast - I didn't know about the rain! (Just call me clueless!)

  7. Vicki , I am so sorry to hear that you have been feeling poorly and I hope that you feel better real soon. This quilt is a beauty with all of the things I love- bees, butterflies and a bright cheerful sunflower. Love the borders and the quilting is spectacular. I hope that the rain will soon come , maybe this weekend.

  8. I love that panel Vicki and love the way you quilted it. Just perfect.

  9. Wonderful panel and a great way to get those made FG in it - that extra yellow border take a bit to fine! Nothing special planned for the weekend...we have been going through quite the cool/rainy period in Maine...not my favorite this late in spring.

  10. Hey Vicki,

    Sorry you've been under the weather. I hope you're feeling better soon. I think looking at that beautiful sunflower quilt would cheer me right out of feeling poorly. It's really pretty.


  11. Love the wall hanging - so cheerful! We could use the rain too - weird how the storms just seem to fall apart just before they reach us. We have our grandson tonight so will run a few errands this morning then church and a friend’s birthday tomorrow!

  12. Sweet and cheerful wall hanging! Who doesn't love a sunflower?

  13. Hi Vicki! I'm so glad to see a pretty summery finish from you. This just screams summer to me. I hope you are feeling much better. Oh, rain! We are so dry here. Our grass looks like wheat. We're supposed to have rain tonight - only half an inch but that's better than nothing. Take care of yourself, my friend. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  14. That's a pretty finish. You did a great job on the quilting.

  15. Love the quilting you did on this one!


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