Thursday, November 16, 2023

Snowman and a Red Truck

Here comes Frosty the Snowman checking out this red truck.  Yet another panel is finished and on the market for it's forever home. 

I so enjoyed coming up with just a little different border treatment for this one.

What's a snowman without fresh falling snowflakes.  I stenciled these on with fabric paint and heat set them. Not sure if you can see the quilting around the snowflake but I echoed the snowflake with some straight lines. 

It was time for some ribbon candy to dress up the red strip in the border. Some simple straight lines were all that was needed in the pretty green strips.

I still have a few winter/holiday panels I would like to get made. However, this past week has been a bit of a struggle. Nine days ago I woke up with pain shooting down my right leg.  Went to the Chiropractor the next day, he says sciatica. That is what I figured after researching a bit online.  Two days later it was so bad I could hardly walk across the house. I got into the Dr. the next day and he says pinched nerve, gave me a muscle relaxer and says take Naproxen and ice and heat and give it two weeks.  Yikes that is a long time when it hurts so bad it takes your breath away at times. Have any of you had either of these, if so what did you find that helped? It's hard some nights to get comfy to sleep.  So not as much quilting has gotten done or anything else for that matter.   

Hope all is well with all of you! We have our two kids, spouses and three grands coming this weekend to have our Thanksgiving. Looking forward to seeing them all. 

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  1. I love your quilt! The panel is so cute, and the way you featured it is just genius, with the quilting and the snowflakes. I love panels! So sorry to hear about your leg! I hope it stops hurting soon. I was at the doctor yesterday to find out about the pain on the outside of my right leg! I've had it basically for months. He suspects Iliotibial Band Syndrome and gave me some exercises to do along with alternating ice and heat. Mine gets worse after I sit for awhile, to the point I can hardly take a step! And it bothers me at night. I don't like pain medication, so I am determined to try the exercises and see if that helps. Keep us posted how you are doing!

  2. I sure am sorry about the pinched nerve, and I'm sorry that you aren't able to quilt much or sleep well. Your quilt is lovely, as usual - I like the snowflakes!

  3. Frosty and the red truck are adorable, Vicki! I love the way you did the border - you're so creative. I'm so sorry to hear about your sciatica/pinched nerve issue - that definitely sounds painful. Hope the different treatments help! Have a great weekend with the family - hopefully they are helpful, too! 😘

  4. This panel is one of my favorites that you've made. I just love the border with the stenciled snowflakes. Well done! I sure hope you can find relief from your leg pain. I'll be thinking of you.

  5. Very cute panel project, and the stenciled snowflakes are just the perfect addition. I had sciatica many years ago. My neighbor was an ER nurse and gave me good advice that seemed to work for me - sit on my "hard" dining room chairs, rather than a soft cushy chair. And take an anti-inflammatory. I'm glad I haven't had any flare-ups as it was very painful. Hope you make a quick recovery.

  6. Hi Vicki! I'm so sorry you are in pain. I had a pinched nerve in my neck that radiated down my left arm. That was in July and my pointer finger is still numb sometimes from it. Icing helped a lot but it was difficult to get in on the back of my neck/shoulder. Advil also worked but I couldn't live on them. Rest was the best medicine - I know it's hard to do but if it is a pinched nerve, time is the only healer. Your finish is beautiful - I love the red truck in any decor. They just make me happy. Feel better soon, my friend. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. So sorry to hear about your pains. That can be so debilitating. It seems that when we go to the doctor that they should send us home with a quick fix. I hope you get better soon. Your quilt panel turned out very nice. You added just the right touches to make it special and unique. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Love this quilt - those borders make it look like a present!
    Sorry about the pain - I hope you find something that works and share it with us!!

  9. Beautiful work on the red truck panel. You brought it to life with your unique borders and stencils.

  10. I always love the red truck and each time I see your Xmas panels reminds me to take time to make pillows and stuff from the few I have (including a red truck) from a bundle of flannel about 3 years ago now

  11. I love your panel and the creative touches you added to it!! I, too, have been having lower back issues since I fell earlier this year. I thought it was sciatica and it turned out to be a partial tear of the gluteus minimus tendon. I've tried to add more to this post so sending you an email instead. Take care!

  12. I really like your stenciled snowflakes and red truck!

  13. I do like that panel! I like the way you framed it with the borders! The snowflake stencils and quilting is very nice addition! PS I used that same panel in a window pane quilt!

  14. Great panel, but I am so sorry about the sciatica or pinched nerve. I know I did something to my left quad and it took all of a month to recover. No fun and no real suggestions. Hope it is already feeling a little better.

  15. Vicki, I am sorry but it is my duty to remind you that this is the time for Thanksgiving and related projects. There you again, jumping ahead to Christmas and psyching everybody out on the process :-p Have a Happy Turkey Day. Hope you get some rest.

  16. I hope you are much better by now. My son sat on my sciatic nerve during my pregnancy (last 3 months). I also sprained my ankle 6 weeks before he was born. I feel your pain!


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