Friday, May 17, 2024

Building Bridges

It was time I do something with this panel of Bridges.  Building a table runner with these two bridges panel happened this week. After staring at this panel for a couple days I decided to use one bridge at each end with an Ohio Star in the middle.

See the quilt hanging on the fence, it inspired me to add the hourglass blocks at each end after the bridge. 

Each Bridge was able to be cut at 9.5" so my Ohio Star block was also built at 9.5" before being sewn into the table runner.  I had the perfect scrap to use for the border, wish I had more of that, it came in handy.  

Just another way to use those panels that I hope inspires you to dig them out and do something with them!

Have a great weekend!!  Linking with TGIFFFinished Or Not FridayOff The Wall FridayBeauties Pageant


  1. Oh yes - the star is just perfect with the 2 bridge panels. Great job!

  2. I love those bridges so cool this will look great in a country kitchen setting wouldn't it

  3. What a great use of your panel/square, Vicki!!! Love how you mimicked the quilt on the fence!!!

  4. Those red and white sections are perfect for setting off the bridge blocks! The Ohio Star works nicely for the center, too. A friend at my quilt group was showing a bunch of panels that she has collected and didn't know what to do with, and I thought of you. You're so good with them!

  5. Perfect use of the panel. I love the addition of the hourglasses at the ends.

  6. Nice, I like it!

  7. The colors you used are just perfect for those cute panels! Really nice job.

  8. You did a great job of putting those bridge panels into a table runner. Hum, do I have any small panels I could do this with?

  9. What a great idea for using a panel! The red is perfect with it.

  10. This is darling, Vicki . I great use of the panels.

  11. That worked out really well! So pretty!

  12. Oh I love how you drew from the panel to choose the blocks - its amazing!!!

    1. Thank you so much, glad you like that idea;)


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