Friday, July 26, 2024

Owl panel

 I am definitely on a panel kick right now. Several fall panels were dug out and I have been also working my way through winter ones too. Seems like once I get started with one I see several more that I just need to work on. This particular one I have done before or at least the panel is a part of one. Since I had previously cut the panel up and sold it I am not sure if they are identical or just very similar. But it all started with this adorable owl checking out those pumpkins.

After trimming the panel and squaring it up I cut half rectangles using my accuquilt 8" cube companion angles.  It sure made fast work for cutting and ease of sewing them. 

This is the same design as the first one I did which makes things so much faster and easier. Some of the fabrics might be different.

I even quilted it the same.

I put the finishing stitches into this Pumpkin Sampler from Melisa at Pinker n Punkin. Melisa generously offers freebies, lots of freebies and they are always so cute. Thanks Melisa! I started this last winter and then set it aside so this past week the stitching was completed. Now to figure out just how I want to finish it up.

The first tomato from our garden. They aren't super big but they sure tasted good!  Tomatoes are the only thing we might get from the garden this year. It is just a joke...a critter got in and ate the entire pea plants just as they were taking off nicely. Then the lettuce got eaten off, we only had two salads from it. The cucumbers...the first seeds we planted gotten eaten by birds before they could ever sprout! I replanted and then some insect came in and pretty much destroyed them, a few hung on and are trying to give me blossoms even though they are sickly and stunted plants. I even tried planting a few in pots on our deck and then transferred them to the garden, they are just not growing! The zucchini are not even doing well but they do have blossoms so we'll see if we get anything. So disappointing. 

I love getting your comments and am now mostly replying to them here on the blog.

Linking up with the Friday linky parties: TGIFFFinished or Not FridayOff The WallFriday Foto Fun


  1. Cut panel and I love the half rectangle border. The cute pumpkin sampler will be a cut fall addition.

  2. LOVE your wall quilt, especially the fabrics you picked to complement that darling panel! Where did you get that nice quilt hanger? That is a pretty display.
    Your tomatoes look nice, hope you get a bunch more. I get it about the garden, I've been there. We finally seem to have a space that works well, but the tomatoes just take over the space so that everything else gets crowded out. Hubs is going to make the space bigger for next spring. When we had acreage, I always planted extra plants just for the critters - lol!

    1. I got it at a quilt show a couple decades ago!! I love that as it is so easy to change out my seasonal quilts and no sleeve to attach to the quilt for my personal stuff. I wish we had more sunny spaces for the garden to expand but we have so many trees and then there is the drain field that we can't plant on.

  3. Love that panel and how you framed and quilted it. What size is it and will you put it up for sale? I'm interested. this is Kat Scribner. It wouldnt let me sign in .

  4. That is such a cute panel, and you always know just how to accent them well! Sorry to hear about the garden woes, but those tomatoes look good! Yum!

    1. I will get more tomatoes, there are 5 more ripening now and many green yet.

  5. You always use those panel parts so well. The owl is adorable! I've been eating little tomatoes from my "garden" - AKA a big pot on the deck. Small but delicious! My daughter has been picking cucumbers from their garden this week and is sending some for me with her husband this morning when he comes for golf.

    1. Thank you for the kind words Sara! I think next year I will try cucumber in a big pot and keep it on the deck.

  6. Cute panel and you made it into something beautiful.

  7. The rectangle border is the perfect addition to the panel. It suggests both leaves and tree branches.

    Oh, the disappointment of growing a garden only to have a critter or few treat it as their personal all you can eat buffet. We only grow cherry tomatoes these days. Nothing like tomatoes straight from the garden.

  8. That is another adorable wall quilt, Vicki. Your quilting is so pretty. Enjoy the tomatoes and I hope you have better luck with the garden next year. The little cross stitch is super cute. I look forward to seeing how you finish it.

    1. Thank you Jeanna! I am not sure how I want to finish the pumpkin sampler, pillow or frame it somehow.

  9. Such a disappointment when you put so much work into a garden. Shade is our problem too! So I’m like Sara! Pots on the south side of the house, and someone who shares their zucchini and cukes! Win win! Love that panel, I have some of the adjacent fabric!.That’s always fun to notice’

  10. What a fun panel - and a super fun way to use it!!! I am ready for fall - you ?

    1. No I am still enjoying summer, so not wanting the real fall to appear yet!

  11. Your panel wall-hanging is so cute, Vicki! You sure have a way with them. I love the border prints, especially the green with fall leaves. The pumpkin sampler looks great - I stitched that one, too, and it's one of my favorites! We have different things happen with the garden every year - this year I've gotten so many cucumbers that I can't keep up, but the rabbits ate all the bean plants before they set any blossoms. Oh well!

    1. Oh my that green with leaves has been in the stash for a while,, but I think this is the last of it.

  12. Cute border around that panel, Vicki!!! Our hydrangea got eaten by the deer this year--not one single snowball on them! And they ate our day lilies before they bloomed. What's going on this summer?!!!

    1. They haven't bothered our hydrangea(yet), hubby was trying to keep the hosted sprayed but with all the rain it was impossible, some gotten eaten:(

  13. Your owl quilt is as cute as a button! And the border- just WOW! Spectacular! YOur Mini Pumpkin Sampler is gorgeous, Vicki. I am so excited to see it. Thank you so much for adding it to your stitching. I hope you enjoyed every stitch. Well shucks on your garden! At least you have gotten 2 delicious tomatoes ; I hope you will harvest more. It sounds like you have had a time with the critters. Hugs.

    1. I like that border too! The pumpkin sampler was a fun stitch, but all of your designs I have done are fun!


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