Monday, July 29, 2024

Window box

This window box panel wasn't being kind to me. So many of you tell me that I am so good with working with panels, and I appreciate that!  But this one kicked me in the behind, LOL.  I had a really hard time with the border, I so wanted it to have this border style. I picked fabric colors that should have brought out the colors within the panel itself. But the border just laid there and did nothing and believe me I tried interviewing different fabrics both in the print and the color. Nope it wasn't having anything to do with that. 

So in the end it became this...

This panel had been in the stash a while and I was determined to use it up:)

It finished at 30"x 45.5".

We had a wonderful weekend, our 13 yr old grandson was here for a two night sleepover. We played games, got the boat in the water for the first time this year. Did some archery, played more card games and just had a good time. While we love having all the kids here, it was so enjoyable just having one on one time with him.  I hope you had a great weekend also, did you do something special? 
I hope to quilt another panel this week, but also will be spending time kitting up a few projects for the next weeks sewing. 


  1. LOL over "interviewing" different fabrics - it sure turned out pretty! Did you save the other border for another project? The one-on-one is a great idea, we'll have to try that when the grands get a little older.

    1. Yes I sure did save the other border, I hope someday it will go with a different panel.

  2. I've only used panels a couple times and some are worse than others! some are so crooked.

    1. Oh my can they ever be crazy crooked. The one I am kitting up now was really bad, but luckily I was able to tug and cut to make it work nicely.

  3. Interesting that the beautifully designed border you made first just didn't work with the window panel. I was thinking go simpler and you did. I can't decide if it was being simpler or darker colors that made the second one work so well. You have a lovely finish no matter the reason. And, you have a head start on another panel some day.

    1. I think it was a combination of the colors and the design that worked better.

  4. The border you ended up going with really sets off the panel Vicki, beautiful work as usual!

  5. A very successful "interview" result because that border is just perfect. It pulls out some of the darker colors hidden in the panel. Very pretty! I agree it's really special to have just one grandkid at a time for some 1 on 1 time.

    1. I was much happier with this result than the first border thoughts!

  6. It sounds like a frustrating time was spent trying to make that border work! But what you ended up with seems perfect. It puts the focus back on the pretty window design of the panel! I like it!

  7. I hope you find a use for that. border. The change you made was just right and makes it look fabulous. Funny how that can make such a big difference.

    1. I did save the other border and hope to someday use it on something else.

  8. I like the panel quilt remodel, Vicki!!! It's more settling.

    1. I am much happier with this border than the first for sure.

  9. Great second plan. See, in the end you always know the right choices.

    1. Well I didn't know I had the right choice until I heard from all of you wonderful followers!!

  10. Wow, Vicki! This quilt is gorgeous . I admire that you had the patience to study the borders and then go with what really spoke to you. You did an amazing job. It makes me dream of sitting at my own window enjoying the beauties of autumn time.

    1. Well you know how it is if it isn't something we like it it hard to work on it.

  11. Wait . . .13???? How can he be 13?? Anyway, I'm so glad you had a fun weekend with him. Your panel is, of course, lovely. You do such beautiful work!

    1. Yes 13, this is the one you met when he came to sew with us all those years ago!!

  12. You found the perfect solution to border the panel. It is worth going through an audition process and being prepared to change fabrics and patterns rather than just 'ploughing on'.

    1. It's so hard for me to carry on if I don't like the look of something!

  13. Your fabric choices turned out perfect. Beautiful work!

  14. I don't know how I missed this one, but it's another beauty! You do have a magical way of making panels come to life.


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