Wednesday, August 7, 2024

A scrappy day or two

 Monday got off to a great start playing in the blue string and neutral string bags. Long ago I started a green pineapple block with intentions of doing more. The more happened but in blues instead. I will go back and do green some day to combine these into a quilt for donation purposes. 

It was so fun playing with blues, I don't do a lot with blues except for patriotic fabrics so I was surprised at how many blue strings I have! These five blocks were done using the Creative Grids pineapple trim tool. Did I say so much fun!! 

Tuesday got started with more potato chip blocks.  The last batch I did I sent to Kat for the Covered In Love drive.  I had more bricks cut than I used so when there was a challenge at a longarm online group I am in I decided right away to join and use more bricks up. The challenge has very loose rules, we decide how many we want to make and each week we have a check in and have a finished quilt in October. I made these six for this week. I don't know how big a quilt I will end with and it doesn't matter as it is a donation one so I will decide as I go. Today I will get back to the project I started in the last post. 

The first dahlia bloom for this season.  I used to have these beautiful red dahlia's that my mom had given to me. They kept multipling every year and sometimes it was to many to dig each fall so we let some go. A couple years ago we found they molded over the winter storage in the basement, therefore we lost them all. I was sad.  Then I saw our neighbors had the same ones, I begged a couple bulbs from her. She gave me a few more than a couple.

And our red Bee Balm patch, there is some lavender ones in there too, we didn't plant the lavender! 

I love reading your comments, thank you so much, and will be responding to them here on the blog.


  1. Your log cabin blocks look great. I like using the Creative Grids ruler for those, too. I didn't know the second block is called "potato chip". I made a quilt using that block a few years ago and enjoyed the process. Love your beebalm!

    1. I ran across the potato chip block on someone's you tube earlier this year.

  2. Those blue pineapple blocks are striking! Your dahlia is gorgeous, I've seen a real interest in dahlias on Instagram lately. How nice of your neighbor to share. I love that patch of Bee Balm!! I don't think any I've ever planted have bloomed.

    1. And it would seem we can't kill Bee Balm up here, hehe. Originally a friend gave me a clump and I planted it in my flower bed by the house. It got to tall and I didn't like it there so we moved it and it still has a few here and there each year that come back!

  3. I love the dahlia but never have luck with them. Your bee balm is so pretty - I planted some last year and they were a pinkish color I had wanted red. This year they came back but looked horrible and looked like mildew all over the plants. I pulled them up. I don't know if they will come back next year, I might have missed some, we will see

    1. The only thing I dislike about dahlia is that we have to dig them up in the fall.

  4. I have not met a dahlia I didn't like:)

  5. Ooh, love your pineapple blocks! I haven't tried those yet, but I think they make such a neat design. And the potato chip blocks, too! Your dahlia is so pretty. I didn't know you have to dig them up every year though. I would probably forget to do that!

    1. The pineapple blocks are a bit time consuming since you trim after each round and that means waste, but hey it's only time and scraps, LOL

  6. I love when beautiful volunteers appear in the garden! Your blocks are so pretty and scrappy. They will make lovely charity quilts when you get them done. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

    1. Thanks Jennifer! Yes we love beautiful volunteers, weeds not so much, haha.

  7. Lovely pineapple blocks , that pattern is my go to for family wedding quilts. Very nice. I have delphiniums from my mother , very nice to have a heritage plant in the yard!

    1. Thanks Deb, I haven't done many pineapples but I am enjoying these.

  8. Your pineapple blocks look great in blues. I think I have, or used to have, the Creative Grids ruler....never used it...geesh! Love the color in your dahlia as well. You also have a healthy patch of bee balm.

  9. My Mom is making a potato chip quilt. I didn't know that's what it was called! Here's is alternating blocks of purple and green from scrappy batiks. They all look great.

    1. I saw the tutorial for the potato chip on somones you tube and thought it looked fun.

  10. Your bee balm is beautiful Vicki and I'm glad your neighbor gave some dahlias to remind you of your mom. Great pineapple blocks and potato chip quilts!

  11. Gorgeous red dahlia and I love your pineapple log cabin blocks!

  12. Great Pineapple blocks! I really should get my CG Pineapple Trim ruler out and make some blocks too. I haven't used mine much, but I do love pineapple quilts. And lord knows I have plenty of scraps to make them in any color(s) I want, ha, ha! The flowers are pretty.

    1. I am so glad to have finally had time to play with the pineapples!

  13. Love those blue pineapple blocks! Dahlias were always planted in my mother's flower beds. She loved those old traditional flowers - dahlia, zinnia, peony, iris.

    1. I remember mom having all the same flowers your mom had too!

  14. That is one gorgeous red dahlia! My cousin in Wa. state grows beautiful ones although I don't remember seeing such a vivid red one. I like how you've arranged the colors for the Potato Chip blocks. I'm going to pull out my directions and see what I can use up. The dark, light, dark gives a little structure to all the different fabrics.

    1. Some of the chip blocks I have seen also reverse the colors within the same quilt for a nice effect.

  15. Those log cabin blocks are so pretty in those blues and creams. I'm sorry to read that you lost those dahlia when they came from your mom. I had some dwarf irises from my grandmother that I lost. I still miss them!


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