Friday, August 9, 2024

Finished Piecing

Monday I teased you with a red and white project in the works and asked you to guess what it would become. A few of you were on the right track...a log cabin. I finished piecing it.  It is a pattern from Connie at Freemotion by the river blog. Next for me is the quilting and then I will applique holly leaves in the corners. 

After that I was still in the mood to work with more red and white. This is a Primrose Cottage pattern. If I understand correctly they are going to close their Etsy shop and open their own website for sales. But I changed it up a bit making my flying geese into trees and omitting the corner stars and also making my gingham squares smaller and adding a row. I have used this pattern before and love the design. 

In the evening I have been doing a little cross stitch a few rows at a time as my wrist is really bothering me lately. This is a sampler from Melissa. She has a whole line of samplers and they are free patterns, she is so generous with her talent!

My little garden produced these. 

It's Friday so I am linking with TGIFFOff The WallFinished or NotBeauties Pageant


  1. nice to have some garden produce! pretty quilts

    1. I do enjoy fresh fruit and veges, but this year again the garden is so disappointing!

  2. Love your red and white projects, Vicki! Especially the gingham with pine tree borders. Your little flag looks great! That one's kind of a long haul to get through, isn't it?! Sorry to hear your wrist is bothering you, though. Does hand stitching do that? My left wrist bothers me sometimes ever since I broke it in 2016, but my right does okay - good thing since I'm left-handed!

    1. I really love the flag cross stitch, yes the hand work really bothers the wrist. A tendonitis of sorts that comes and goes. I do wear a spandex wrist guard.

  3. I think I love plaids. The christmas mat is adorable.

    1. I love plaids too, I do cut them on the plaid lines so it does take longer.

  4. I've fallen so far behind commenting on the blogs I read, but I might have guessed log cabin too. That gingham look with the pine trees - so cute!!!

  5. Love what you did with that darling pattern! The trees are just perfect with that gingham. I'm trying hard not to go purchase that pattern. ;) That's such a cute little flag. Sorry to read about your hand, hope it gets better.

  6. Hi Vicki! I guess a few folks guessed right about your log cabin block. I just love red and white - and those little gingham squares make me smile. It's a fun piece. Enjoy your weekend. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Hello Roseanne! I appreciate your taking time to pop in:) Something so crisp and clean looking with red and white isn't there.

  7. Your Primrose Garden quilt is adorable, Vicki! Love your mods!

  8. I made some blocks similar to your red block which reminds me I need to finish them. . .I like your finish! You are making great progress on your cross stitch. I like how the flag appears to be waving--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Hello Terry, the flag is easy to stitch but just takes me time as my wrist is not happy now and I need it more for quilting. This past week doing more cutting and it got pretty sore by the end of the day.

  9. Such cute projects! This has certainly been a weird summer weather-wise, but you have a little produce there!


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