Monday, August 12, 2024

Some of this and some of that

Last week I worked on several different things and I did it in my camper. More on that in a minute, but here are some projects. In Wednesday's post I showed the start of my blue pineapple blocks. I couldn't resist making more and since I had more blue and neutral scraps with me why not make more, now I have a grand total of 10 blue made. These were really so enjoyable to make. 

Here they are all together.

After the scrappy fun I decided I better get the pieces cut and sew up this snowman panel. An identical one was made and sold last winter, lucky I had purchased two of them! This week will be a longarm and binding kind of week.

A little more accomplished on the flag cross stitch.

We were up north at the PGI convention(Pyrotechnic Guild International). It is a week long fireworks convention with seminars, classes and then several displays in the evening. These are not your ordinary everyday fireworks, they are from professional businesses that design really neat fireworks. Three nights of the week are PGI members and the public and the other nights are just for the members. We are members as hubby enjoys the classes and seminars and then in the evenings we go in together for the spectacular displays. Unfortunately the weather didn't always cooperate. There were two nights that events were postponed because of rain. And it was darn cold at night sitting out and watching the displays. We were wearing five layers of clothes plus wrapped in fleece blankets!! The wind didn't help either!!  It was mid 50's at 11pm, plus one night it was a bit of light rain off and on. Thank goodness we have a fireplace in the camper so when we got back there we could warm up quickly!

And this one is made up of drones, the drones kept changing within the display and consisted of 1800 drones. It started out with planets, the earth, and landing on the moon. It was so neat. This is a very shortened video of one part of it. Put your sound on:)

Linking with our favorite Monday linky parties: Monday Musings, Sew and Tell Monday, Design Wall Monday


  1. Your pineapples look so pretty. Love the runner!
    Those drones are amazing - I love anything to do with drones!

    1. It is so amazing to watch them form the different shapes!

  2. Your blue pineapple blocks are fabulous! I agree that it is a fun block to make... and a great scrap buster. Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party.

    1. I have lots more blocks to make but they are fun and there is no hurry.

  3. It's amazing what can be done with fireworks. Your photos are gorgeous.

    1. We adore watching the fireworks and so many ooohs and aaaahs are uttered around us!

  4. Your pineapple blocks are gorgeous! I had no idea there were PGI conferences. Very cool!

    1. The conference is held each year and moves around from place to place.

  5. Oh my, the pyrotechnics are fantastic. I do love your pineapple blocks and fun that you can sew and get warm in the camper!

    1. Watching the fireworks is really fun! The camper works well for us.

  6. sounds cold!! but probably fun. I love pineapple quilts

    1. Yes cold but still fun! I really enjoyed working with scraps and doing something different than my usual runners!

  7. WOWEE, Vicki!! That PGI display is so cool! I would like to go to the conference just to see all the fireworks. I'm so sorry the weather wasn't better for all the fun. I'll bet there were many disappointed convention goers. Those pineapple blocks are GORGEOUS. I've never made that block but I sure should put it on my list. Those 10 blocks lined up all together look so pretty. As does Mr. Snowman. I'm sure that will be a hit as soon as it hits your shop. {{Hugs}} a bunch. You've inspired me to go do some sewing. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. You would love the fireworks! Oh yes we were all bundled the best we could be but several were not prepared for the cool. Glad I could inspire you to sew!

  8. That always sounds like such an amazing event, Vicki! I enjoyed your video. Glad you got to hang out in your camper and sew, too. Those pineapple blocks in the blues and neutrals are gorgeous!

    1. I am so thankful for the sewing area in the camper for sure!

  9. Wow, those fireworks, Vicki!!! Love your blue pineapples! And such a cute panel treatment!!!

    1. Thank you so much. Glad I could share a small piece of the fireworks with you!

  10. Your pineapple blocks look great! The trip sounds fun, in spite of the weather. Any time in the camper is a good time, in my opinion :)

  11. I love the pineapple log cabin. I have the ruler and can't decide what size to cut the strips. What size are your strips and size if your block?

    1. I don't have an email for you so I can't get in touch with you so I hope you will come back and read this! The ruler says to cut 1.75 strips. However I used 1.5" strips just fine. I did 8 rounds plus the corners.

    2. Thanks so much. I am in the process of gathering my fabrics for the pineapple block.

  12. Wow - the fireworks displays must have been spectacular! I love fireworks, and the drone displays are really something too. Love your blue pineapples!! The 10 would make an awesome runner just as is.

    1. The fireworks are truly awe inspiring! I wasn't thinking of a runner for the pineapple blocks, but you have me thinking!!

  13. OMG a fireworks convention! What fun! I love what people are doing with the drone displays now. It's really cool.

    1. The drones are amazing the way they move around without crashing!

  14. That was cool. Thanks for sharing. Your camper projects are looking good too!

  15. I think it's great that you two can go up there, and you can quilt while hubs is enjoying his fireworks fun. That drone display is amazing!

  16. Your pineapple blocks are so elegant in blue, Vicki. You accomplished a lot while camping. Well done. The drone video was amazing. I am amazed at what can be done now! Hugs


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