Friday, September 20, 2024

Getting ready and a finish

Off and on all week I have been cutting and kitting up projects to take to retreat. I leave on Monday for five days. This retreat is the same one I went to last year in Wisconsin. Here is my stack of what I have ready so far. Several table runners in various stages and one donation quilt. I hope to cut another donation quilt and also throw in a jelly roll and background fabric in case I get through all the other items.

In between prepping for retreat I whipped up two of these table toppers using the maple leaf Accuquilt die. 

Proof that I really did make two, these are the two backings. They finished at 23" square.

Within 15 minutes of listing the first one it sold!  So I quilted up the second one and got it listed this morning.

Hope you all have a great weekend. I think mine will be busy! 

Accuquilt sale---(affiliate link)

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