Monday, September 16, 2024

Estate sale

Many of you encouraged me to go to the fabric estate sale last's all your fault that these followed me home!!  This batch is for my business sewing.

And these are for some donation quilting I will be getting at soon I hope!

I arrived just a few minutes before the sale was to start, several ladies beat me!  The doors opened promptly at 3 pm.  This took place in the quilters home, I learned her name was Elaine and that she was a prolific quilter and entered her quilts in shows. Although I didn't know her I am sure she will be missed.  Oh the amount of fabric was astounding! Several shoppers were commenting they were overwhelmed with the amount, me...I was in my element, LOL.  The fabric was displayed in rooms according to the type. One room was floor to ceiling shelves lining it and tables full in the middle, this was flat folds.  One room was all kits and FQ's, one room of partially done quilts. One room was kits. As you can see by my photos I went for the flat folds. They were selling the fabric for $6 per pound. What you see is 10 pounds. It makes me sad they she didn't get to use all the wonderful fabrics. But as one lady said it feels like we are honoring Elaine by taking some of her stash and adding to ours in hopes of using it. 

Want to see my newest finish? Recently I sold a stitchery wall hanging so it prompted me to finish up another.  

The hand embroidered block was stitched late last fall and I never got around to finishing it.

Even though I made it as a wall hanging with a sleeve on the back I like it just sitting on a small table.

Linking with these Monday linky parties, want to join me over there?


  1. That must've been quite the sale! Kinda sad, all that fabric purchased but not used. Glad you can put some of it to use in your beautiful quilts, though! That new little mini is a cutie!

  2. You found some really great fabrics at that estate sale. No guilt needed either because you know they'll get used quickly. The little embroidery piece looks just perfect in that setting. Good job!


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