Saturday, September 7, 2024


These two runners are for my Etsy customer. She saw one in my shop but wanted two of them for her end tables. So I made two new ones identical for her. She was happy with that and they are now on their way to her home. The pattern for this is called Leftovers and is from a book by Calico Printworks.

These use up a lot of scraps, but there are always more as you all know!  I just heard about a fabric estate sale 1/2 hr from me this week, should I go? Do I need more, no I do not, but it is hard to pass up a sale! I don't know the prices which I wish I did as that could be the deciding factor.

A new project was started this week...I'll tell you more about it after I get it quilted.

Linking with Oh Scrap! Monday Musings, Design Wall Monday and Sew and Tell Monday.


  1. You are always so busy, Vicki. I wish I had your energy. The table runners are adorable and I love the quilting. Your newest blocks have already grabbed my heart. I can not wait to see this quilt all pieced. Hugs.

  2. What a lucky customer! Those are really lovely. I like your new project. Have a great Sunday!

  3. Love your table runners. Beautiful. And yes, you should go to the estate. I always find inspiration at estates sale, don't know why. Enjoy! ;^)

  4. those all are nice and sounds like your shop is doing well

  5. Do you need more fabric? Maybe not right now, but someday you *might* need it, lol! I say go for it! Those are pretty tablerunners, and love the pieces for the new project, too. Looking forward to seeing the finish!

  6. I really like Leftovers, but I'm loving your new project(s)!

  7. Grand quilting on the matching table runners! Love the crows on pumpkins! Sale: YES, 'cuz you never know what you might find!

  8. Hi Vicki! Of course you have to GO!! It's a wonderful day for a ride and maybe you'll find something you just love and need. Go forth for all of us! ~smile~ Roseanne {{Hugs}}

  9. Another great table runner. Your fall color picks are wonderful. What other fun things are you working on?

  10. Those runners are gorgeous...and a great graphic design so the fabric does all the work. Love it.

  11. The quilting in the center blocks of the table runners is stunning! I like the sunflower, pumpkins and crows, too!

  12. Both the table runners are gorgeous and I really look forward to seeing what you do with the sunflower, pumpkins and crows! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings. Have a great week.


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