Monday, September 2, 2024

Fall sewing

 Whoa September where did you come from, you sure snuck up on me!!  Are you all ready for the new month? I am sorta I guess, mixed feelings for summer to end, but at the same time I look forward to decorating for fall! One more panel made up.

This is almost an exact duplicate of one I have done in the past which makes for a pretty fast make.

A little bit of a glamour shot;)

With a wall hanging that is not to big I like to attach a split sleeve so that one only has to put one nail in the wall.

Friday one of our grandsons came over and he and I made nine more potato chip blocks and then I sewed them up into a flimsy. I had stacks of 2.5"x4.5" bricks cut, he loves picking out which ones go into a block. I also taught him how to press, we make a good team!  After we were done he and grandpa enjoyed some time together.  After dinner we played some games and we took him home Saturday. 

This week I have two table runners to make for a customer, finish up another leaf runner and make another Scrappy Jack I hope!  What all do you have on your list for the week?
I am heading over to link up with Monday Musings, Sew and Tell Monday and Design Wall Monday

If you comment as anonymous please leave your email so I can respond.

 Accuquilt sale through 9/4/24---


  1. What fun with your grandson! Lovely wall hanging. Do you have any issues trying to balance it with just the one nail?

  2. I love the photo of your grandson admiring all those potato chip blocks. Picking out the colors to arrange is probably the most fun part. Your wall hangings are always so cute.

  3. sounds like you have a bit of sewing to get done with - September did arrive rather quickly it seems

  4. How fun to sew with your grandson! I love your Potato Chip block flimsy - such pretty color! I always have mixed feelings about the coming of fall, too. It's hard to see summer passing by. But then we start making or getting out the fall decorations and I'm happy to move on!

  5. That sounds like a really busy week coming up for you! I need to cut some blocks for potato chip blocks. They are easy and use up odd size scraps, if done correctly! Another great panel wall hanging. Somehow seeing all that hand guided stitching makes me think your concept of fast and mine are very different! Have a great week.

  6. Fun to see you two sewing together - he has a good eye! Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Aaaw how sweet to have a fabulous helper in the sewing room! I know you have the best time when your grandson helps you . Your latest quilt is gorgeous, Vicki. It is hard to believe that it is September already. Wishing you a great productive month.

  8. What a handsome helper! Sounds like a lot of fun for all of you. Love the new wall hanging. YES, I am ready for September.

  9. Hi Vicki! I have never put a sleeve on the back of a quilt. Using a split one is a great idea but I have no idea how to even go about it. Wanna do a short tutorial for your friend?! Please?! ~smile~ and {{hugs}} Roseanne

  10. Wonderful fall quilts and so much fun to see you and your grandson create this quilt together.

  11. Love your wall hanging, Vicki, and what fun to have your grandson help with the fabric choices and pressing! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings! Have a great week!


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