Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Pumpkin Stack

I was lucky enough to pattern test for Karen at Laughyourselfintostitches for her new Pumpkin Stack pattern! It is so adorable. You saw me working on it in an earlier post, but here it is all finished.

Mine looks a bit different from the pattern because I added a border but also there was an 'oops' in the pattern and my pumpkin/crow stack is taller than the sunflower. So I fixed mine by adding a piece of the background fabric above the sunflower. The pattern has been updated with the correction on Karen's website.

 If you are not familiar with Karen's patterns you should take a look, she's got some really cute ones!  Thanks for letting me test it Karen!!

Linking with Midweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, NTT and Put Your Foot Down


  1. That really is a cute pattern. Your version looks like it was planned that way - love the crows and one is looking down on the sunflower. Your quilting is lovely!

  2. OOOh - that is really cute! Your quilting in those pumpkins makes them pop.

  3. That is adorable! Off to checkout Karen’s blog!

  4. LOVE this!!! its so cute!!! That sunflower is just perfect for the crows !!

  5. Such a cute pattern! I think I may like it your way with the shorter sunflower. Your quilting is perfect for this! Great job. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  6. This is so fun! I love Karen's patterns. You've done a lovely job with this and the quilting too! :-)

  7. Cute crows! Just your style, Vicki!!! Nice you could test stitch it.

  8. Isn't that cute?! I love the way the sunflower is made, and the crows, too. Nice finish!

  9. Cute as a button. Beautiful job .It looks like a fun quilt to piece and quilt. Enjoy your day, Vicki. Hugs.

  10. Her patterns are so much fun, and yours turned out so well! Love it!


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