Sunday, December 29, 2024

Pineapple progression

 My blue and green pineapple blocks progressed a bit today. I was going to use this many blocks and then add borders. But after getting it this far I decided I didn't want borders. So I will make a few more blocks to add two more rows. 

It's kinda a miracle I even sewed yesterday as I got sick with a stomach flu on Thursday night and all day Friday I was down in bed. Still wasn't feeling anywhere near top notch but was a bit bored so I decided to try sewing, glad I did as it passed the afternoon while hubby napped, yep he now has it. 

Wishing you all a Happy New Year and I'll see you in 2025!!


  1. I love these beautiful pineapples! So sorry to hear about the stomach flu, no fun at all, and it's too bad your hubby got it. Hope you both feel better and better.

  2. Oh no, so sorry to hear you were sick! That's no fun. Your pineapple top looks wonderful, though. Sounds like that was just the right kind of sewing for the day!

  3. hope you are feeling better now. Maybe it was something you ate?

  4. Nice color scheme. Are you using scraps? Your blocks are turning out nice.

  5. The pineapple blocks are beautiful in those greens and blues. Hope you are both feeling better quickly. One of my best friends here has been down with a stomach bug since Wednesday, and still isn’t feeling very well.

  6. Green and blue is a favorite combo around my home! Super cute! I hope you're recovered soon, Vicki. Happy new year!

  7. Take care of yourself and hubby. The flu is no fun. Great job on the pineapple blocks. I often leave off borders. I'm sure it's more laziness than anything else!

  8. Your quilt is coming along nicely! I'm glad you are feeling better and hope your husband is back to normal soon.

  9. I'm sorry you have been sick but so glad you were well enough to sew. Your blocks are lovely. Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party.

  10. The pineapple blocks are so pretty. I have heard of so many cases of the stomach flu. Happy to hear you are on the mend and I hope your hubby recovers quickly.

  11. I am so glad that you are feeling better, Vicki. Uggh the stomach bug is never any fun. I hope that your dear hubby feels better soon. Your pineapple blocks look amazing. So many pretty fabrics. Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

  12. Glad you are feeling better, and amazed that you could sew. It will be lovely with more blocks; you are making great progress.

  13. I'm so glad you are feeling better, and hope hubby is too. I don't know how you did anything with that. Those pineapple blocks are awesome! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

  14. Bummer on the flu bug, I am sure you are over it and buzzing along now. Those pineapple blocks are gorgeous!


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