Thursday, January 2, 2025

Stars and Stripes and Slippers

It's here, it's here...the New Year, 2025!!

I know it might be early to start working on patriotic projects, but hey I was in the mood;)  My original stars and stripes design has been a popular one for me so I hope to have 8 pieced over the winter. These are the first two. These were started on Dec 30th 2024 and finished on January 1st. 

And to continue the blue theme is a pair of hand knit blue and gray slippers. I used a blue 4 ply with a gray sport weight yarn for these. It's fun to mix the colors and see how they come out. These are actually a size that fits me. The pattern is called Grandma's slippers found on Fave Crafts. I only knit on these a little each night as I am in no hurry, it's all for fun.

I started another pair with different yarns in a small size this time.  Lots of people are making plans for projects in 2025, my plan is very what I feel like and enjoy it!! 

Linking with Friday Linky parties TGIFF, Finished or Not Friday, Beauties Pageant and Off The Wall



  1. What pretty runners! The slippers are darling, love the colors. I like your plans, they are like mine. I have stopped making resolutions, so that way I don't disappoint myself - lol!

  2. Hi Vicki! I love both of your projects but those slippers look nice and toasty. We could use it around here - it is chilly! I love the idea of working on what you feel like. Happy New Year! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Love those patriotic runners, Vicki. Happy 2025!

  4. I like your plan! I am still winding up 2024, going through the emails that piled up!

  5. Wow, you have been staying busy! Woo Hoo for piecing 2 Stars and Stripes already. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

  6. Ohh Fun!!! and no - you are right on time - you are one who is always ahead - so it works great!

  7. Those slippers are such a pretty blue! I love your goal to do what you feel like and enjoy it!

  8. I'm sure those runners sell extremely fast. Such a great design.

  9. You do such a great job of planning ahead, those two runners are pretty! You sure can whip up those slippers fast - it would take me far longer!


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