Friday, January 17, 2025

Disappearing four patch

 Several of you thought I was teasing you with my stack of greens and neutrals, I have a reveal for you! They quickly became four patches...

That I cut up... red lines are my cut lines.

Rearranged and they became disappearing four patches(D4P).

And a bunch later...

they became a lap size quilt flimsy at 40" x 56".

I used lots of different green and neutral 5" squares. Yes there are several repeats too, and I am okay with that.

This will eventually become a donation quilt. And you might think this made a dent in my scrap bins, nope! How can one make a quilt and not see a difference!! But I feel better knowing I used some at least. 

I hope you will join me in linking up to, or at least visiting these fun linky parties.


  1. What a beautiful use of those squares! You've worked quickly too.

  2. I love disappearing anything - they are always so unique. The scrappiness really adds to the charm.

  3. Oh look at that! The disappearing 4 patch makes a really pretty design, and I like how it spreads the colors around the quilt, too. Great mystery reveal, Vicki! :)

  4. That was quick! Great job on what will be a nice donation quilt.

  5. What a chic scrappy quilt, Vicki!!! The kind of quilt that one just wants to look closer over and over.

  6. Wow, you stitched up those blocks super quick! I love the design. Who knew that disappearing nine patch blocks could be so fun for the eyeballs?--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  7. What a great quilt. I have tried to reduce my scraps with the same results.

  8. Lovely use of your scraps (or yardage!) But I totally agree with you I can't see dents in my stash even when I finish a quilt. Although I might be seeing some in my box of flannel fabrics. I made a small streak of lightening out so some of the fabric and I'm going to piece the back today or tomorrow. Once I put everything back in the box I'm hoping to see a decline in it!

  9. Clever you, and you whipped up that quilt in no time!


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