Tuesday, April 28, 2020

To Do Tuesday #15

Here we are with another week gone flying past.  Let's see how my To Do Tuesday goals for the week went.

1. Make another Hunter star table runner in Patriotic fabrics.  I didn't even show you the first one yet and it          sold yesterday.  I'll show them both at the same time.  EDIT:  LOL I must not have had enough coffee this
    morning when I posted as I did show you the first hunter star!!!  HERE  ya go.   DONE

    It is very similar to the first one, but the border fabric is different.

2. Finish a southwest table runner I am currently working on. DONE x 2
    This is my second Kokopelli table runner, which is my original design.  It is available in my Etsy shop. 

Instead of working on goal #4,  I decided to make another southwest table runner with these three Island Batik orange fabrics.  This is my version of a Navajo block. 

3. Quilt two more H2H quilts. DONE
    These will each get their own post so they are ready for the H2H link up party later in May. 

4. Quilt a leaf table runner. NOT DONE

5. Maybe start piecing another donation quilt. NOT DONE

I don't feel bad in the least that I didn't get all five of my goals met.  Because I did a few more things that I needed to do at that time. I'll share those later on.  Sometimes I meet the goals and sometimes I need to replenish items in my shop. 

For the week of April 28th-May 5th, my goal is going to be really loose:)

Goals 1 thru 5 are to make 5 table runners-which ones you ask.  Whatever I want to when I wake up that day!!

Goal 6 is to quilt an H2H donation quilt. 

And if I go off the rails and do something else it's okay with me.  How about you are you a stick to your goals kinda gal or are you okay with going off the rails?  

If you want to link up your goals for the week you can do so at HomeSewnByUs for To Do Tuesday
Also linking with Clever Chameleon


  1. My lists are my framework for the week; I usually fill in around them. Today's post attests to that! Haha. Love the runners, especially the Kokopelli!

  2. You're always so productive, Vicki! I love all your tablerunner ideas. The new Southwest ones are just great! I often go off the rails with my to-do list, but it's been fun joining in with the link-up anyway!

  3. Good morning, Vicki! I would say you had a fabulously successfully productive week. That Hunter Star table runner is great in patriotic colors. It really doesn't look like a hunter star, do you think?! I love the southwest runner - those colors and fabrics are just perfect! You know, you don't have to make a list at all. General overall goals are just fine - and they make it easier to check off! Thanks for linking up - I appreciate it. I always like to see what you're working on. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. I do like having a To Do list but quite often I am OFF the rails...sometimes the train doesn't even move :( Your patriotic table runner looks great, actually, all of your table runner are amazing. Can't wait to see more of your H2H quilts.

  5. Wow, I really love that runner with kokopelli. Perfect block and perfect fabrics for that!

  6. Hi,
    Love the colors in your table runners....so pretty, As for sticking to goals...sometimes I do and sometimes I don't, all depends on what I'm wanting to get done. Have a great day!

  7. I love all of your table runners! I may have to steal your Navajo idea -- I want one for my table :)

  8. You are definitely the Table Runner Queen! Once again, you have some great runners.

  9. Gosh Vicki you are cranking out quilts and runners faster than I can even cut anything out! Of course I don't have a die cut machine or a long arm so those must really be helpful for speeding up the whole process. You do such a great job with them all as usual!

  10. Your table runners are all so striking! Great designs and colour choices, no wonder you have to restock periodically. Hope you got all your goals done this week, thanks for linking up with the Chameleon's Colour & Inspiration party!

  11. Lovely runners! Then I saw your quilt and it's funny I just finished a rainbow brick wall quilt like that too, well the top. I do love your hunter star topper!


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