Sunday, May 30, 2021

Wiggles and Sunshine

It's Wiggle Time!  That's the name of this pattern by Cynthia.  I have made this one a few times as it is fun and a fast one to whip up.  I just had to take a day and do something other than a table runner:)  

These rainy days make it very hard to get a good photo, but these are some bright orange, green and yellow colors, almost neon.  This one will remain a flimsy for now and reside in the donation quilt tops pile until I get time to prepare a backing for it.  It measures at 48"x54".  It was just what I needed for a break:)    

And then I was ready to get back at table runners, but which one.  I looked through photos and decided I needed to do another Morning Star Accuquilt runner.  Remember I did a tutorial for them last year for this runner.  It looks complicated with lots of pieces but it really isn't, using the dies makes all the difference. The previous ones look almost identical as they were from the same fabrics or nearly the same.  I just think the yellows make it look like sunshine!  


  1. Hi Vicki! That table runner does look like the sun and sunshine. It's just the ticket to brighten up a dreary rainy day. I can understand needing to take a break from runner and Wiggles is a fun and fabulous diversion. Happy Sunday to you, my friend. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Oh, my, that's soooo cute! I'd love a bit of that sunshine today!

  3. Like Nancy said, we sure could use a bit more sunshine today! Love the colors in the Wiggles quilt!

  4. I like the table runner and the wiggles and squiggles look fun.

  5. Lovely sunny table runner! I need to dust off my Accuquilt cutter!

  6. Cute Wiggle Time! Such a versatile pattern. I understand needing a break from runners. No matter what size I make, I need a break to do something different after a while :)

  7. Lovely bright and cheerful table runner! Your quilt top is pretty too, and it's nice to have a quick and easy project to make ;)
    Thank you for linking up today!

  8. Your Wiggletime is just great, Vicki! Great colors, especially with that fun background fabric. The Morning Star tablerunner is gorgeous, too. I can see where having the dies for cutting the pieces is so helpful. I bought a ruler for cutting that shape, but using it was so slow and tedious that I just gave up!

  9. Wiggletime is great and the morning star table runner is too. Love the brightness of both projects!

  10. Thanks for sharing your version of my Wiggle Time pattern with Oh Scrap! It is always fun to see what fabrics and colors are used!

  11. Wiggles is the most colourful quilt with the greens, yellows and orange dancing with the dark dotty fabric. How fabulous it is! Your new table runner is pretty. It reminds me of bright, happy sunshine, too.

  12. Wiggles is fun and what a nice way to do an almost strippy quilt that is more than strippy!

  13. Wiggle Time looks great with the darker background! I’ll have to remember that one! I wish I has a Accuquilt! One day!

  14. Your blog title is perfect for this post :) Wiggles will make a very nice donation quilt which will be appreciated! Your table runners are always amazing.

  15. Cute table runner. I bought a kit for a watermelon table runner at a quilters garage sale today. Now to see if I get it made.

  16. Vicki you quilt is just perfect for a dreary day finish. Love the sweet sunshiny runner. Any chance you could repost your tutorial? I tried finding it but no success. 😉


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