Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween!

 Inside our house.

Outside this morningšŸ˜’


  1. A snowy Halloween! Our little bit of snow from Saturday has melted, but it's still cold out. The Trick or Treaters will be bundled up in winter coats tonight.

  2. Love your halloween decorations...but snow...not quite ready for that!

  3. Happy Halloween, Vicki! What a cute display you have! Your outside view was ours a couple days ago. Fortunately it has warmed up and snow is melting. Hope yours does, too!

  4. Your Halloween decor is adorable!!! Oh my snow!! I hate it for the little trick or treaters. Have a blessed day.

  5. We had snow yesterday and overnight here, too. A white Halloween doesn't quite have the same ring as a White Chirstmas does! {{Hugs}} again ~smile~ Roseanne


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