Friday, May 24, 2024


 Patriotic table runners for this Memorial Weekend. While in AZ I had pieced four of this in these prints and have been quilting them now as needed. 

This is my original design and all made using my Accuquilt dies including the binding. 

And the backing. All from my stash. I seem to have collected a lot of patriotic fabric over the years, there will be no new patriotic fabric to enter my house this year!

Next I pieced four in these prints.

Since the light color is more cream than white I pulled out a red, beige and blue plaid homespun for the backing on this one.  Did you get in on the homespun craze several years ago...seems I did. I was buying it mainly for use in doll making, bunnies, bears, scarecrows and of course for snowmen too. Since I now only want to quilt I make none of those, so I am slowly whittling away with them by using them for backings. I keep thinking I would really like to make a country feel quilt with some, wonder when that will happen!

I hope you have a wonderful Memorial weekend doing whatever you please.  

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  1. Beautiful runners!! I did switch out a hanging quilt for a patriotic one, but only have 1 runner switched so far.

    1. Well you made me realize I hadn't hung anything patriotic yet so I did it yesterday!

  2. Beautiful runner and perfect for this patriotic weekend. Remembering all those who lost their lives in service and those who are no longer with us who served.

  3. Love it! I just finished a patriotic pillow and now have inspiration from this and a Tumbler Flag runner I saw on a blog to make more RWB things. LOL!

  4. You do have the best patriotic fabric! My favorite is always the stars and swirling dots that you used in the runner in your first photo. I bet these are popular in your shop!

    1. JoAnn's has it in stock here again, check yours for the white fabric!

  5. Your tablerunners are gorgeous, Vicki. I love the swirly design in stripes. Oh yes, I was and still am crazy over homespuns. The beige/red/ blue makes a pretty backing. I spy "Beelieve in Freedom" ; it is such an honor that you stitched this piece. Thank you so much ; I hope you enjoyed each and every stitch. It is a beauty and looks perfect with your tablerunner. Happy quilting. Hugs.

    1. OMG I was hoping you would spot that cross stitch, it makes a great prop!!! Thank you for the design:)

  6. Your runners are so pretty, and I love the homespun backing. I use homespun fabrics that my daughter requested for Christmas stockings, and I sewed them so they would make the ragged edges. I have a little bit left and am thinking a runner might work for them.

    1. OMG I literally have tubs of homespuns, you'll be seeing more on the back of my fall ones for sure!

  7. Pamela Dempsey in Northeast Texas 😻May 25, 2024 at 7:59 AM

    I love your table runners! Very pretty patriotic fabric 😻

  8. Both runners are beautiful, and I love the little stars on the first one! These patriotic fabrics are very pretty. Great way to use your plaid homespun stash, it looks perfect for the backing.

    1. Thank you! I will be using more homespuns in my fall runners for sure.

  9. Timely finish!!! I love how you staggered the stars, Vicki!!! Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

  10. Wonderful table runners! So great to use of scraps and create something useful and pretty. So rewarding for the same reasons. I also got into the homespun craze, but gave away much of it.

  11. Thank you so much! I have tons of homespuns yet, and will use some in my fall runners too.

  12. I'm working on my annual Patriotic runners for my family now and love yours. The homespun works well for the backing!

    1. Looking forward to seeing what design you are doing this year!

  13. Those are super great!! I really like the layout and the staggered stars!!

    1. I have really been happy with how popular this design is in my shop!

  14. Another pretty and festive runner, Vicki. I love the homespun backing. It's nice to have stash, huh?!?

    1. Thanks Jeanna! I do have a large stash and sometimes I feel really guilty about it others I am so very thankful so I can just shop my stash when I need something;)

  15. You come up with such cute patriotic quilts. I like this one. Soon I need to hang up my patriotic banner for the 4th since I missed it on Memorial Day - too much going on around here!

  16. I put my patriotic out in the entry way last week and it will stay that way until mid July:)


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