Sunday, June 2, 2024

Bright Scrappy Fun

Fun is what I have been having this past week working with my bright strings again.  Three years ago I started working on these bright blocks using a pattern from Cynthia called Two Bits. Then I stalled out for some reason and into the closet it went along with all the other UFO's.  Sara inspired me to look at my UFO's since she has really been crossing off her UFO list and even emptied her big gray bin;) So last weekend I went through a couple shelves of UFO's and picked this one to work on. I might have shook my head a time or two at the amount of UFO's that are in that closet!  Some are just waiting to be quilted, a lot of the UFO's are ones for donation quilts eventually. 

This is where I left off. I had to look around to find my orange and yellow scraps first and then I made three of each of those.  Still not enough blocks made, so I went back and made more pink, green, purple and aqua. By the way I trimmed my blocks to 9.5" because I have the 9.5' square ruler to make that easy. Today I will be stitching these all together and then I think I will add a small white border and then make scrappy piano key borders since I still have loads of strings to use up.  It felt amazing to work with my scraps again.

If you have been wondering how my slipper knitting is coming along, I have made progress with 6 pair knitted. The teal ones need sewing up yet. The next color yarn needs to be picked as I have really enjoyed knitting these in the evenings here and there. The pattern I am using is called Grandma's slippers and I found it on Pinterest. These are the two smallest sizes for kids. I used two strands, a variegated yarn with a solid color yarn for the first four pair. The teal ones I used solid in two shades of teal. I will be working on another pair today.

Linking with Oh Scrap! , Slow Stitching SundaySew and Tell Monday


  1. Isn't it fun "discovering" a UFO? Your blocks are beautiful, and so colorful. I love the Grandma slippers, they look warm and cozy.

    1. Kinda fun and kinda sickening with how many UFO's there are, LOL!

  2. I love the bright colors of this quilt and love those blocks

    1. I really needed the bright colors to work on this week!

  3. Those blocks are so cute, it's making a wonderful quilt. I was looking at my UFOs yesterday, and I was almost overwhelmed with home much I have started then stopped - I really need to get back to them! Your slippers project is impressive.

    1. Why oh why do we do this to ourselves, too many UFO's!!

  4. I love all those scrappy string blocks! Such a fun quilt! Gail at the cozy quilter.

  5. I like your Two Bits progress. Good for you for getting it out of the closet and closer to a finish!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. If only I could keep on working on all the UFO's instead of creating more!

  6. Good for you - getting out that UFO to finish up! I might have a few of those myself... I love those Two Bits blocks in all the pretty Spring colors. It will be a fun one to finish up!

    1. It felt good to work on it, but still shaking my head at how many more there are to work on and then I start new ones all the time! No discipline here:(

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. What a fun, vibrant quilt! ( You are certainly not alone in having some UFO's waiting in the wings.) I love the knitted slippers. They are so perfectly named as "Grandma's slippers". My grandmother used to make them for my siblings and me.

    1. My mom used to knit those kind of slippers, and I am pretty sure she had me knitting them as a youngster too. I am enjoying doing a few here and there.

  9. I love that bright scrappy quilt top! Those slippers are so pretty.

  10. Two Bits is a fun and happy project. Woo Hoo on pulling it out of the closet and moving it along . I love your slippers that you are working. They look so comfy. I bought a bag of linens at the thrift store the other day and included in the bag were some crocheted slippers. I am curious how many skeins can make an average size pair? Enjoy your day, Vicki . Happy quilting and crocheting!.

    1. Depends on the size of your skein. The big red heart skeins I am using would make a few pairs of kid slippers for sure.

  11. This is such a fun and cheerful quilt! Love your booties, too!

    1. I needed some bright scrappy to bring some sunshine this week.

  12. Beautiful bright quilt and lovely slippers!

  13. I really love all those bright colors.

    1. Thank you Turid, it was definitely fun to bring out those brights!

  14. I really love your string blocks. The black and white in there really makes those blocks pop! Very cute slippers too!

    1. Thanks Sara! I just finished sewing the rows together, of course I had to meet with ‘Jack’ for a couple blocks I turned wrong.

  15. Bright and fun, indeed!!! BTW, who are all the slippers for?

    1. I'll give the slippers to my DIL' s church group to hand out to those in need.

  16. You have been busy! Those are some lovely blocks. Congrats on getting into the UFOs!

  17. I love the bright colors. Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party.

  18. Ohhh LOVE it so much!!!!! paired with the black and white is just such a crisp effect!! what fun!

  19. Your knitted slippers will make great donations.

    1. One hopes that they will help keep some little feet warmer.

  20. The black and white 9 patch blocks really make this quilt pop.

    1. I love the use of the black and white to make the rest of the colors pop more.

  21. Oh gosh, those slippers bring back memories! I like that quilt project - so bright and happy!


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