Friday, June 7, 2024

To the Flimsy stage

Two Bits is to the flimsy stage! Pattern by Cynthia who blogs at Quiltingismorefunthanhousework. Oh I am love with how it came together. After sewing the blocks and rows together I framed it with a solid black. I had extra scraps(imagine that!) so the colorful borders are all strings pieced together for the right length. 

The scraps for the borders were all cut at roughly 5" in length, meaning I laid the strings out on the cutting mat and just rough cut at 5" intervals. Pieced them and then trimmed to 4.5" in width. This quilt was so fun! I will be a donation when finished.

And onto the next UFO.  A long time ago I started making these blue blocks along with green ones and tried a new to me technique to add the sashings in tan and brown. This method worked out great and hopefully I will have another flimsy ready soon:)


Our Peonies are doing great. We counted at least 100 buds on them. Hubbies hand to show you the size of the bloom. 

Just a small part of the group of peonies.


  1. I love this nice bright, fun looking quilt. Did you make the pattern up? The peonies are so pretty and is that a fleece jacket on that arm? if it is it must still be quite chilly at times in MN!!

    1. It's Two Bits by Quilting is more fun than housework blog.

  2. Two Bits is beautiful! I really like that pattern but am resisting it. ;) Looking forward to seeing what you do with the pretty blues you have started. Oh those peonies are spectacular! That must be an old patch, I forgot if you've already posted about them.

    1. The peonies are old, we had them in a different location and they were not doing well so a few years ago hubby moved the and they prospered!

  3. This is such a bright and happy quilt, I'm sure it will bring someone joy. I forgot to uncover my peonies early enough, so not a ton of buds, but a similar colour to yours. Mine are just starting to bloom.

  4. Two Bits quilt is GORGEOUS ! All the strips are happy and bright and it just flows together so nicely. wELL DONE !

  5. I wish I could see your peony garden in person. They are one of my favorite and I imagine it smells heavenly. Your latest finish is one of the happiest quilts I've seen in a long time. Great finish!

    1. Well come on over Ramona;) The peonies are so good smelling! That quilt just made me happy that I had to leave it on the design wall a few days so I could look at it more!

  6. Gorgeous peonies! Love that quilt. Back when I originally saw it on her blog, I save a picture and put it on my "some day" list. Still on the list of quilts to make some day. Your piano key border is great.

    1. It's a fun one Sara, and a good scrap buster!

  7. Oh I LOVE two bits!! the borders are just so perfect for it!!!

  8. Somehow I missed commenting here yesterday - even though I read your post! Two Bits is wonderful, Vicki! I really like that piano key border. It finishes everything off perfectly! And the peonies - wow! That's something I've never tried growing. They do well in your yard, though!

    1. It felt good to use up more scraps, I'll do that border on the next UFO too!

  9. The peonies used to be in a different area and were not doing good at all. After DH moved them out where they could get more sunshine they really took off.

  10. Oooooh, what a bright and joyful quilt top! The piano key border is a great idea and finish it beautifully. Thank you for sharing also this pretty blue block, and peonies!

  11. I love the bright colors. Such a pretty quilt.
    When I started quilting I always added sashing this way. And I still do sometimes.
    Beautiful peonies.

  12. Beautiful quilt flimsy, Vicki!!! Your piano key border is the perfect finishing touch. And yes, love those peonies! Ours are doing good this year, too.

    1. We have had a nice amount of rain to keep those posies showing brightly this year.

  13. Your two bits flimsy is gorgeous! it is so bright and happy. Those peony blooms are beautiful. The color saturation of the blooms is beautiful.--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Yes and I didn't doctor up that peony photo either!

  14. I love all the colors in your top! The borders are the perfect finish.

    1. I loved working with the brights once again, they make me happy.

  15. Congrats on this wonderful flimsy. I love the black stop border and the colourful final border. Well played. ;^)

  16. Oh that quilt is fabulous. So fun looking! I imagine it was a bit time consuming too. Love the colors. Nice peonies. I'm hoping our hydrangeas bloom soon. They've started... but not full yet.

    1. The most time consuming part was in finding the right colors for each block, I didn't have them sorted by color.

  17. This quilt embodies the feeling of Summer- I love the colors combined with a sharp black and white!

  18. That border really makes the quilt, finishing it off nicely! I'm jealous of all your peonies - so pretty!

  19. The brightness of the quilt matches the brightness of the peonies...very much the color of mine! Love seeing this fun quilt and the one to follow.

  20. What a beautiful donation quilt! Can you imagine being the recipient of so much color?! : )

    1. Yeh, I hope it isn't too much and cause someone a sensory overload.


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