Sunday, June 9, 2024

Blue and Green scrappy squares

These blue and green scrappy squares were started in 2019  and little by little more were added. 

And sashings were attached. And then they sat for a long time.

After finishing the piecing on Two Bits I decided to see how many blue and green blocks were made and where I left off with the progress of them. I was happy to find there were three rows waiting to be sewn together. More blocks had their sashings already attached too. With only needing to make 6 blocks it quickly became a flimsy!

The tan and brown were yardage while all the blue and green 2.5" squares are all from the scrappy string bin. By looking at it one would think it used a lot of scraps. Not really, just a small stack of squares is all it took!

Our dark purple iris are opening, in person they are super dark. I caught this one with the sun shining on it so it shows more color. We counted over 20 buds on it. 

Well what do you think I should do next-more scrappy UFO's or a table runner for the shop?

Accuquilt sale going on through the end of the June--


  1. Nice scrappy flimsy! Don't you just love it when a UFO comes together? Beautiful iris, too, love that color purple.

    1. Yes it is very satisfying to finish it up to a flimsy!

  2. That is a great flimsy! While I'm always itching to start a new project, I've been working to progress projects toward the finish line. If I were you, I'd be pulling a UFO to work on next. . .until my inner squirrel convinced me to start the table runner!--TerryK@OnGoingProjecgts

    1. I listened to you Terry and pulled another UFO out!

  3. that would depend on full your shop it :)

  4. That looks great, Vicki! I really like the blues, greens, and tan together - I think this quilt would appeal to a man. Nice job working on your UFOs! I think you can reward yourself with starting something new!

    1. I was thinking it was a great guy quilt all the while I was making it.

  5. You are on a UFO finishing roll! This one is a fun quilt, too.

  6. Nice guy quilt, Vicki!!! Great save of 2 1/2" squares, too! Love your irises! Table runners are quick, so that's my vote! I even sent you a link to a free pattern that reminded me of you, earlier today!

  7. That was a great idea to use tan and brown for the sashing. I would never have thought to use those colors.

    1. Just using what I had on hand and thinking those colors would make a great guy quilt.

  8. Two Bits really seemed to go together fast! It is so pretty and nicely scrappy. The irises are beautiful! Maybe make an iris table runner? :D

    1. I surprised myself at how quickly I pieced it all together!

  9. A very fun scrappy quilt for a guy. It does seem no matter how many scraps we use in a project, it never seems like it makes a dent in the scrap bins.

    1. Definitely not even a small dent in my scraps! Yes I thought it was a great coloring for a guy quilt.

  10. I really like that brown in the sashing. The blue and green blocks are great and such an awesome way to use those 2.5" squares. The iris is gorgeous. I vote table runner too, but that will be quick and you can then go back to focus on another UFO, right?

    1. Well another flimsy UFO was born but up next will be some runners!

  11. That iris is a luscious color. And you have a bunch more to look forward to seeing. Hum, I think a quick, cute table runner would be a fast turn around for the shop and then you can try another ufo.

    1. It's been fun watching all those iris open, wish they would last longer!

  12. Woo Hoo, Vicki! The blue and green scrappy nine patches look fabulous with the tan sashing.

  13. Hi Vicki! I hope you are doing well. I love how you finished this UFO. With only 6 blocks needed to complete it, don't you wonder why you set it aside to begin with?!! Oh, your deep purple irises are so pretty. They are one of my favorites. My vote is for you to whip up a table runner! We'll see what you decide. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. Hello, hello! Why do I set any project aside, I get to anxious to start another!!

  14. And just like that, you have a flimsy! I love blues and greens together, it's one of my favorite combinations. That dark purple iris is a beauty!

    1. Why did it take so long to whip this one into flimsy stage, I liked working with the blue and green.

  15. This is a great quilt, Vicki! I love the blue and green scrappy blocks together! I agree with Nancy - a table runner is quick and easy, not to mention fun!! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

    1. Well I did work on another UFO quilt but table runners are in the near future;)

  16. Very nice flimsy, Vicki. I love the deep purple color of your Iris.

    1. Sometimes those iris are so dark they almost look black from a distance.


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