Friday, June 14, 2024

Neutral strings

Once upon a time, long, long ago in a sewing room quite near, a second neutral string quilt was started.  The blocks were all sewn to phone book pages and then stacked neatly and left to rest on a shelf. The plan was to make it like the first one that was started in 2014 and finished in 2016.

Fast forward to earlier this week and I have neutral blocks go from UFO stage to flimsy stage.  The design for this string quilt came from Cynthia at Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework. Neutral strings will no go back into the closet until I decide to quilt it. Right now I am more in the mood for piecing so I shall continue. The brown sashing was cut at 2". 

So many of you loved seeing our gorgeous pink peony a week ago, more blooms have opened. Here is how it looked two days ago right before the rain knocked them over. 

I love reading your comments and will now reply to them right here on the blog instead of in personal emails. I appreciate each and every comment!


  1. LOVE the neutral strings! I like that brown sashing you added. I can almost smell those beautiful peonies!

  2. I keep saying I need to do something with all the strings and scraps that I have put away in my boxes for years now and never get to them - I have ideas in my head for so many and don't get to it and find new things to do instead.

    1. I bet I could make 50 quilts with my strings! I kinda want to start another one or perhaps I better look in my closet as I might find some already started!

  3. I love this string quilt. The dark brown sashing makes a unique design.

    1. I really like Cynthia of using a dark sashing to set the blocks off. She had used a black sashing with colored string blocks.

  4. Your neutral strings top reminds of wood grain - like in a butcher block table top? Really neat.

    1. Oh sure I can see that! I used to have butcher block counter tops!

  5. Woo Hoo on moving these fabulous string blocks into a quilt top! It looks fabulous, Vicki. Your peony is gorgeous. I wish the blooms could have stayed a lot longer for your enjoyment. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you Melisa, I am so happy to move another UFO along.

  6. Ooh, that's pretty! I've worked with neutral strings before in parts of blocks or for a border, but haven't made a whole quilt of them. Now I want to! Love the darker brown sashing, too. Your peonies are so happy! We had a heavy rain and hailstorm here last night around 10 - 10:30 pm, so my blooming plants aren't happy at all!

    1. Ok go ahead and start a string quilt! I kinda want to do another one in colors. So sorry you had hail, they warned that we might have gotten some, but it went around us, so I had put my pots of flowers under the deck table.

  7. Nice job. I like how you sashed it. (Or it seems like sashing to me!) I've got a multicolor bunch of string blocks. I'm not sure how many -- one of these days I'll pull them out and figure out something to do with them. And, I may just steal this idea to make more string blocks. I certainly have enough strings! Thanks for the idea.

    1. I am kind itching to start string blocks with colored strings, but I better hold off for a while and just finish a few more UFO’s. But they are fun and relaxing to sew! And boy do I have a ton of those strings.

  8. Oooh! The neutral strings are wonderful. I have been perusing quilt books and several neutral-only designs are calling to me -- but your strings may be the choice.

  9. I really like how you layed those out with the dark sashing.

  10. So much fun to see this and the brown sashing is fabulous. Nice to unearth and move a UFO along. I need to cut some peonies and bring them in today - we have nearly the same color!

    1. Yes I have been chipping away at the UFO's and feeling giddy about moving them along!

  11. Good job doing warp speed recently on this quilt!!! It's super duper cute, Vicki!!! Love the peonies, too! We had a good batch this year, also.

    1. I think I surprised myself how fast it came together once I decided to actually get moving with it rather than just staring at it when I opened the closet!!

  12. Replies
    1. Neutral quilts can be just as pretty as colored ones:)

  13. Great idea for all those neutrals. I have a whole drawerful of neutrals waiting for something. Could this be it?

    1. String blocks are so fun to make, go ahead and jump right in with those strings and play!

  14. Sorry I'm so behind on reading and commenting on your posts! I love the neutral quilt - it's very soothing and pretty. I would love to have a peony bush like that!


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