Friday, July 12, 2024

2024 Donation Quilts

If you have been following me this year you know that I have been working on several UFO quilts for donation. Some I pieced over the last few years, some were in multiple stages which made them UFO's. I managed to get seven of them to flimsy stage and have been quilting them up in the last couple weeks. I had to order batting in order to finish them all. 
Here is my parade of 2024 donation quilts...

These elongated string blocks were started many years ago, ahem 2018! When my grandsons were over we worked on them off and on and then I finished a bunch myself. These strings are sewn onto phonebook pages, I taped two together to get a long strip. This first one was pieced to flimsy stage a couple years ago.

As you can see we had a rainbow of string blocks and enough for two quilts. The blocks were pieced a couple years ago and I brought it to flimsy stage, quilted and bound it this year.  An elephant print flannel was perfect for the back of this one.

Another type of string quilt was pieced and into flimsy stage when I left off with it many years ago. I couldn't decide back then if I wanted to make it bigger.  This year I found the answer. Nope I did not, LOL. I wanted it quilted and out the door into the hands of someone that needed a quilty hug. 

This one is a free pattern from A Bright Corner called Preppy and was pieced in 2021 and quilted recently. This one has a fleece backing and no batting for a soft cuddly quilt.

I talked more about this nine patch one HERE.

More info on this one HERE

I found a panel in the stash that someone had given me a while back and it worked perfectly for the backing!

This was never a UFO as I pieced it in June and quilted in July. The pattern is White Cloud from Villa Rosa Designs. You might remember I made a Yellow and Gray one with the same pattern. They really look different don't they!  That's all seven quilts that I have ready to send back with my daughter-in-law this weekend, she takes them with her church group to Minneapolis to hand out to the needy.  I still have more I would like to finish up, three of which only need quilting but I ran out of time and energy for it right now.  

In the evenings I have been hand knitting kid slippers to send with her also. I have a dozen ready.

Accuquilt sale---July 11-31 (affiliate link)


  1. Congratulations on your finishes! And I hope the quilts will be loved and used by the recipients.

  2. Wow that's an impressive collection! I particularly love the elongated strings and nine-patches. I think I'll have the grands try some strings next time they're here!

    1. It is a good way to introduce the young ones to quilting as it is kinda forgiving.

  3. You made some beautiful donation quilts, Vicki. I can imagine the smiles they will bring. You are very generous and I'm sure your DIL appreciates them. I love the little knitted slippers, too. You are the energizier bunny!

  4. I Love a Parade!! and a parade of quilts is even better!! Love all of these. Don't laugh - think I had that horse panel too.... oh boy haha!!

  5. Oh my - I love the variety of different ways to use those strings!! Now you've triggered my brain to keep playing with strings!

    1. It seems you and I have been inspiring each other a lot this year!!

  6. they all look wonderful. I really have to start to use my strings for something I have so many of them.

    1. I started using some gray strings on Friday, just a few blocks for part of a backing on a runner.

  7. Look at you go! Impressive! I love your string quilts- especially the third one down. That's a neat twist with the triangle corners! The recipients are going to love these quilts, Vicki!

    1. Just having fun and moving some fabric alongWinking smile My DIL was thrilled to be taking them back with them today.

  8. What fabulous gift/charity quilts, Vicki!!! The first two are especially wowey zowey!!!

    1. Thanks Nancy, It’s so nice to be able to make and give in hopes it will bring a smile to someone in need.

  9. Quilters are so generous and you are no exception. What a great batch of quilts you have here. They are going to put smiles on peoples faces, for sure.

    1. Thank you Ramona. I just am thrilled to be able to make and give and hope they cheer the recipient up a bit.

  10. What a great collection of donation items!

    1. I know that you know the wonderful feeling of making and giving Vicki.

  11. Ohh, love the rainbow string quilts, one color for each block! Very pretty! Our little sewing group is making string blocks for Project Linus quilts 😻

    1. That is so awesome your group is using up strings too!

  12. Sooo many great finishes, Vicki plus all those knitted slippers. Wonderful !

    1. Thank you, it gives me warm fuzzy feelings to be able to give.

  13. What a lovely array of donations!

    1. Thank you, I had a lot of fun putting them together!

  14. Way to stay committed as you work your way quilting your stash of flimsies. The rainbow palette in many is so cheery. There are going to be some very grateful recipients.

    1. I wished I could have done the other 3 but they will be seed for later on.

  15. Congrats on all your finishes Vicki, I remember how much fun it was to make those blocks on phone pages and still have some leftover somewhere. Now we don't even get a phonebook!

  16. I love the elongated string block quilts. They made into beautiful quilts! Some projects just take time to really be heard as to what the project is saying!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Hmm but I have several that are taking their time at telling me what to do with them, haha.

  17. Wow!!! These are all just beautiful. Preppy is so cool. I admire your determination and generosity to make so many sweet comfort quilts. Plus slippers. Amazing. You are such a generous soul!

    1. I used to make more, guess I had more time or energy a few years ago:0 I love being able to give to those who need a quilty hug.

  18. I have never seen a parade more beautiful! Kudos to you.

  19. Really great use for your strips and strings. I like the stars that were created -- it gives the quilt a different look. Are you still motivated to do the string blocks?

  20. I did make a few more black/gray string blocks for use in backing of a runner since finishing these.


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